There is hope!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I just want to give all of you some encouragement...I just found out today that I finally passed the nclex-rn. I had all 265 questions!!! If I can do it...anyone can. I took this test 5 times!!! The first time I failed I's ok...I'll do it next time. Well then I failed for the second time...I shed a few the third and fourth time failing...I wanted to run away. Telling everyone at work each time I took it that I failed again, it was horrible! However, everyone was so supportive which made it much easier on me. Please never give up!!!! The way I look at it is...I took 4 very expensive practice tests...and it all worked out in the end!!!! So hang in there for all the people struggling to pass this test!!!

GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD.....CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! 36_1_33.gif

A big Congrats to you! I admire people who do not give up. I know what it is like to have failed the boards and at times I still question myself (Is nursing for me?). I am re-taking the exam this June. My question is what changed this time? Where you in a different mind set? or did you practice more questions? What was your key to success?

My second question is for those who did not pass the nclex what types of employment can a BSN nurse have? Is it a good idea to be employed?

Again congrats you deserve it!:yeah::bowingpur


I also have found it to be very difficult to find a job after finishing my BSN. I had a job waiting for me at a great hospital hear in NYC. After finding out I didn't pass the job had to go to someone else. I thought well if I couldn't work as a nurse then maybe I can get hired as a Grad nurse. That has not gone over to well either. Once you fail the NCLEX you are looked at as a liability for the hospital. You can get hired as a nursing assistant if you want to go that route or do what I did. Go back to waiting tables. It's all just a means to and end. You finished one of the hardest undergrad prorgams so I wouldn't give up. Do something that still gives you time to study and that pays the bills without leaving you exhausted. If you have a hospital in mind that you want to work at, find out what you are qualified for and work as you wait to take your test. After you get your license it is in their best interest to keep you employed at the hospital and move into an RN position. A win win for everyone. Good luck on the job search.


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