Published Nov 11, 2009
179 Posts
Hello all, Im not sure if there is already a thread that relates to this, or if I'm even posting it in the wrong area but I figured i would want to get feed back from other student (current or aspiring) Am I the only one who is struggling to get excepted into a RN program. I first was passed because, " the economy is not doing well, so we have been forced to except less student this time." Or else there is a huge wait list, or evens some RN programs aren't taking applications any more because their wait list is to long. I've applied at 3 different schools this time and I am praying that i get in (not getting any younger) Any opinions are welcome. Thanks for reading.
seasoned hopeful
166 Posts
have you checked into smaller schools? community colleges? :redbeathe
Actually i have. Initially I applied to a smaller (private) school in Los Angeles but they were the ones who passed me up. They blamed my denial on the economy (probably true i guess) The 3 schools I've applied to now are all community colleges. One in particular I've recently found out they have a waitlist of about a year and a half. So thats off the list. Now I'm down to to. i took the TEAS test last week for one, but i'm sure they have some many applicants that they will narrow them down. It's just sooo frustrating that all of my work has gotten me nowhere.
34 Posts
i just got accepted after constant rejection from 4 schools. (can u i decided to do something different. i live in NY and it felt like everyone wanted to be in the nursing program. this led the nursing departments to make their requirement almost impossible. people found it difficult to get in. furhermore, it's EXTRA COMPETITIVE; a GPA of 3.9 will be of no use when everyone in the program stand at a 4.0. ( even some of those in the waiting list had 4.0 GPA).
i decided to apply to less competitive schools, like the one i got accepted in.
if u apply to 3-4 of such schools, u boost ur chances of getting accepted.
~Mi Vida Loca~RN, ASN, RN
5,259 Posts
You're not alone, their is a whole pre nursing forum here with similar stories. My school here was waitlist not competitive and I got on the list March 2006 and just started August 2009 so I waited 3.5 years, it actually worked out well for me. Now the WL is about 1.5-2 years or about a year for previous BA students.
My school plans on going more competive soon though.
I hope something pans out for you soon.
K nurse-one-day
693 Posts
Have you considered doing an LPN-RN route? It may end up costing you a few more bucks, but with some schools (Im not sure what your school's particular entrance process is) it is much easier to get into the RN program if you have an LPN. I know mine gives extra entrance points to LPN's. Plus, it will give you work experience and allow you to make money while waiting for the RN program. I know how you feel, I'm applying to a pretty competitive school in August. The number of people applying is getting higher and higher and so is the cutoff points, so I have to make the best grades I can. Good luck and dont give up!
Thanks FLgirl. I haven't really look at the LVN-RN route. It just wasn't in my plan but evidently nothing goes as planned. I'm waiting on one school which is very, very promising and I'm sure I'm in. I have applied (as a back up) for a RAD Tech program in my area and that also looks promising. Perhaps a LVN-RN route is what i should do.
Truly, i just want the opportunity. I feel like once I'm, there will be no problems. Thanks for your advice. I think i might look into the LVN-RN thing. Maybe its for me.
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
What about a BSN programs Andrew26? That's why I chose to go to one rather than ASN, because of the wait....2-3 yrs here in CO. I could be done my BSN before I even got into a cc program here. Just a thought, although the cost is higher.
The cost is the least of my worries. I'm more worried about time. In order to enter a BSN program, i would have to take a few more classes to be able to transfer. Unfortunately when i started on this journey, my main focus was simply to enter a RN program at a CC, I did'nt leave myself with other options as i should have. I'm actually not even sure what classes I would need exactly to make that happen. Great suggestion though. I've got some reasearch to do.
Someone also suggest maybe doing a LVN-RN, that if your in a bridge program you are more likely to get into a ADN program. Any thoughts on that?