Updated: Apr 9 Published Apr 30, 2020
Davey Do
10,607 Posts
I got some bad news...
I survived COVID!
TriciaJ, RN
4,328 Posts
Thanks, Davey. I needed a laugh today.
TriciaJ said: Thanks, Davey. I needed a laugh today.
Thank you. I am pleased you could find humor in my comics.
GrumpyRN, NP
1,309 Posts
2 hours ago, Davey Do said:
Oooooohhh! Very learned and literate. ?
38,333 Posts
20 minutes ago, GrumpyRN said:Oooooohhh! Very learned and literate. ?
Looks like Davey has too much time on his hands in retirement. He needs to turn in his Expert Style Dictionary/Thesaurus/Urban Werds Book and get back to work!
caliotter3 said: He needs to turn in his Expert Style Dictionary/Thesaurus/Urban Werds Book and get back to work!
He needs to turn in his Expert Style Dictionary/Thesaurus/Urban Werds Book and get back to work!
Stop oogling the women...
1 hour ago, Davey Do said:
Now, now Davey, let's not go too far. No reason to stop the oogling.
GrumpyRN said: Now, now Davey, let's not go too far. No reason to stop the oogling.
Get with the times!!
10 minutes ago, Davey Do said:
But I thought oogling online could you in trouble with the law. After all, how can one judge the true age of those you oogle? Inquiring minds would like to know!
Just had to Google the word Oogle. (Wish I hadn't now??).
First three definitions that came up;
1) An oogle is a panhandler who lives on the streets, most frequently a new or unserious one who is perceived as homeless by choice, rather than by necessity.
2) A migratory pack animal that drunkenly stumbles onto your porch and sets your couch on fire. they are the uninvited guests who throw inappropriate things (I.e. veggie oil, pressure treated lumber, spray paint cans, someone else's full beers) into a bonfire. while under your roof, they will talk *** on "house punks" while their *** dog attacks your dog. the term crosses subcultural boundaries; includes hippies, punks, metalheads, ravers, etc.
3) To watch/view something in amazement or disbelief. Additional Information I oogled at how big the cat was. you will oogle when you see this picture.
On 6/20/2020 at 7:36 AM, GrumpyRN said:couch... uninvited guests... includes hippies
couch... uninvited guests... includes hippies
I guess, at one time in my life, Grumpy, you could have called me an oogler!