The HRSA Nursing Scholarship

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing

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The HRSA nursing scholarship is available now. I just submitted my application although I'm probably a long shot.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

If you're interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, you may be eligible for a scholarship through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The HRSA Scholarship Program is designed to support students in various healthcare disciplines who are committed to serving underserved communities and helping to address the shortage of healthcare professionals in those areas.

HRSA offer scholarships to help pay for health professions' education.

All Scholarship awardees will provide a one-year service commitment for each year of scholarship support received.

The application cycle typically opens in late Winter or early Spring and closes in late Spring or early Summer, so be sure to check the website regularly for updates.

Scholarship requirements:

To be eligible for the HRSA Scholarship, you must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited program that leads to a degree in one of the following disciplines:

  • Nursing (including RN, ADN, BSN, and graduate-level nursing programs)
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Certified Nurse-Midwife

You must also be a U.S. citizen, a national, or permanent resident. 

Have no federal judgment liens and service commitment.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply for scholarship through the HRSA's online application system.

Scholarship award covers:

  • Tuition and Eligible Fees
  • A monthly stipend for living expenses
  • An annual other reasonable costs payment

If you have any questions about the program or the application process, the HRSA offers resources and support to help guide you through the process. Don't miss out on the opportunity to receive financial assistance while pursuing your dream of a career in healthcare and serving those in need.

Application Checklist for the NHSC Scholarship Program

There continues to be a need for nurses throughout the United States.
Apply for a Scholarship Today!

Specializes in care for my grandma with Altzheimer's.
Yes, I had a credit check and just got my rejection letter. I know it wasn't my credit that stopped me because she was calling my school until a couple of weeks ago verifying everything. I don't think we will ever know why it didn't happen for some of us. Congrats to everyone that got it! I think this might be a sign that I should just jump right into grad school instead of having to work before :)

I'm sorry, I hope no one minds that I use the nkudos to say 'thanks', 'congrats', 'i agree' and 'I'm sorry', it seems the "I'm sorry" is when you need the kudos the most :crying2:

But I love your attitude, it's not the one I had yesterday when I got my letter, but I'm getting there today :redbeathe

Anyone with JJ3rd who has heard something??? Please post so people with that analyst can have some peace of mind....LOL!!

I got the scholarship, and he was my analyst.

Specializes in care for my grandma with Altzheimer's.

to AngelsMom2005

I live in PA, have CL, and was the first to receive a rejection letter, snail mail, no email, no explanation.

To all,

I appreciate all the empathy and sympathy ;-}

I am tempted to call and ask why I was rejected, but as others have said I doubt any of us will ever know. I worried it was because I emailed CL asking if she received everything, but if she's not involved in the decisions then it must not have been that :clown: I worried it was because I signed ALL 4 years of the contract just in case I transferred schools or something ...

I am tempted to reread this whole forum and look for breadcrumb clues from people's essays and status. My academic recommendation was not from anyone in the nursing department, and was in fact, from a professor I've never met in person (as I mentioned previously, I only took online classes before ... But since she was kind enough to write it last minute and to drive it to the Post Office on the last day and make sure it was postmarked, I am nothing but grateful to her :redbeathe) . And I was completely honest with them in saying that I had done very little volunteer work. Like many others on here, I told them I would be good at working with the disadvantaged because I've been where they are. I also told them that up to this point the way I've worked to help the disadvantaged is through working for political campaigns, editorial writing, and essentially agitating for change within the government :jester: perhaps not the best thing to swear I'd keep doing LOL

And while I understand those who say it's part of God's plan and all that, I have to say, thinking this is part of someone's plan, makes me wonder if I was meant NOT to be a nurse. :idea:

Yesterday, all day, I wanted to come on here and vent about all that and have myself a nice pity party, but today things are better. What is, is.

I do hope we all really do keep up with one another on the Facebook page.

And honestly, I'll be okay. Truth be told, the more I thought about it, the more doubts I had about the scholarship. Maybe I put the negative vibe out there unintentionally :eek: If it really is considered income, and if I had to report it and I thus lost my TANF and EBT (Food Stamps) - that'd be nearly 700 a month I'd be losing. If I lost those, I may lose my health care and my child care, which surely is the other 600, although, honestly I think those may still be allowed even with that income. But I am also in a program at my school, KEYS, which helps pay for gas, car insurance etc, and I might have lost that. So with all that and the fact that PELL covers my tuition, I'm okay.

I was just sooooo looking forward to being able to move me and luvbug out of the 12x15 room we share at my Mom's.

Now don't get me wrong, I would never have turned the scholarship down, and I was planning what I'd do with the money :yeah: I'm just trying to make myself feel better :clown:

I never liked the idea that the program would pay really expensive tuition that meant they were paying for 1 person what could have covered 2 or even 3. (And I felt this way reading last year's before I even applied) However, I must say, it actually seems pretty cool of them to try to balance out the commitment they're demanding with an appropriate level of compensation. And it seems from what I've read that they tend to take people who already have part of the program done, rather than newbies like me, which also makes sense, especially since I know the dropout rate at my school is about 50%, they'd be taking a huge chance on anyone with no classes under their belt. From what I've seen, it seems they lean heavily toward those with a year to 18months left in their program, regardless of cost, and that seems a reasonable way to go to me. You have people who've shown a commitment, follow through, and regardless of tuition, if they only have a year to 18 months left, the cost probably evens out with newbies at cheaper schools.

I'm sure some of you are just starting out too, and I especially congratulate you, whether it was your essays, your recs, or just your good fortune, you won and you should be proud, I would be :coollook:

I'm so used to checking this page, I'm sure I'll be back, but I hope to see y'all on the Facebook page.

Incompatible Browser | Facebook

Specializes in care for my grandma with Altzheimer's.

Weird, part of the reason I reposted the facebook link was to see if I could clear off that "incompatible browser" message everyone else got, but I got it too ...

I would've posted my essays rather than describing them but my computer had a meltdown the week I submitted the application (the week before Finals, cute huh? ) so I don't have them. I would like to get a copy of them fromt hem, but I doubt with 6400 apps, probably more if that only includes the complete ones, I doubt they'd do that ... Oh yeah, I do wonder how many people got to the finalist/alternate round, seems like not that many more than who got it, I'm guessing only around 700 or so, oh, so close :no:

And believe it or not, I'm such a glutton for punishment, I was already looking into the loan repayment and teaching stipend programs they have, will I never learn ? LOL ;-} The loan repayment may be my best route, especially if it helps with my preNursing school loans, wouldn't that be lovely ? :p

Gypsydancer....... I would not be so hard on yourself in trying to figure out why they did not pick you. I am the opposite, my recommendation letter came from the head of the department who knew me personally, high GPA, and loads of experience working with the disadvantage from volunteering to actually working in case management. I too did not get the scholarship. In fact I never even got the first email. I really don't think that they have a system for how they choose the recipients. At first I was a little upset but I do have to say that I like the idea of not having to fulfill any commitments when finished. My nursing program is going to have some scholarships next year and since I go to a small school with a small amount of nursing students the instructors will do anything they can to keep their top students in the program so I am confident that I will be able to finish and that everything works out just the way it is meant to be. Don't ever think that you are not meant to be a nurse just because HRSA did not give you a scholarship. If you love what you are doing then it is meant to be and maybe there is another plan for you and you would have missed something even better if you were tied down with this scholarship. Best of luck

I agree with Patty, Gypsy. I think they pooled all 700 qualiffied people and drew names. I have a 4.0, my ref's were from my church sexton and the dean of my college as I was the student trustee. I faithfully volunteer at my churchs coat closet and food pantry. One of my main projects while I was a student trustee was working with my schools health department and the state to provide immunizations to children without insurance. I have also already applied to my schools nursing medical mission in the dominican. My essays were also proof read by my dean, who said they were wonderful and he would not set me up just so I feel good. I think we deserve to know why we were not picked. Im not bitter, ill be fine, I already had all my financing in place. Just wish I knew how they could look at my application and pass.

HEy i hope this helps!

I have been watching this post for the entire duration and ive never posted any comments. But I decided to share my story in hopes of giving others hope. Ok so when everyone recieved the email with the contract and stuff I didnt recieve it and some lady name Alexis called from HRSA asking me if i had recieved the email and i said no and she said i should have but if i wanted to still be qualified for the scholarship i would have to submit the information by 5:00 that day, which i did. So when everybody started posting that they had recieved the email stating that they were awarded the scholarship and i hadnt i became concerned. So I called HRSA(applications and awards) and they said that my name was on the list to recieve the scholarship. They said they did not know why i didnt recieve an email. After getting off the phone with them i called JV and he assured me that i had recieved the scholarship and he contacted my analyst to send me an email but i had to email him first and he forward to her. Anyways i really dont know wht was the issue with my email there although they read it out to me a hundred times and everything seem correct but apparently something went wrong. And no none of the messages were in my spam mail. When it was all said and done i recieved the award email today!!! :yeah:

-signed contract-

-credit was checked on aug 13

-last year of nursing school

-live in TN

-tution is 20,000 a year

-analyst is KH

-EFC 0

-GPA 3.4

-Bad credit

-Second BS

-Recommedation written by sister and nursing teacher

TRust in the lord and dont become anxious about anything instead pray about everything and the lord is sure to see you through!! If this scholarship did not work in your favor don't give up on God he has bigger plans for your finances.. keep the Faith!:)

did you get the scholarship?

Thankfully, yes I did

So I don't know how many recipients are still reading this, but I have an interesting situation. I received all e-mails, got the credit check and then received an e-mail on the 25th that I had received the scholarship. Then today I received a snail mail letter stating that I hadn't been selected dated the 23rd. Anybody else in this boat or am I the only one?

So I don't know how many recipients are still reading this, but I have an interesting situation. I received all e-mails, got the credit check and then received an e-mail on the 25th that I had received the scholarship. Then today I received a snail mail letter stating that I hadn't been selected dated the 23rd. Anybody else in this boat or am I the only one?

That hasn't happened to me but that is really scary...

wow thats horrible! Is there a disclaimer on the email, saying they may terminate at any time or something?

Specializes in Psych.

Originally Posted by bobwolg

So I don't know how many recipients are still reading this, but I have an interesting situation. I received all e-mails, got the credit check and then received an e-mail on the 25th that I had received the scholarship. Then today I received a snail mail letter stating that I hadn't been selected dated the 23rd. Anybody else in this boat or am I the only one?

What!? That is craziness... Call HRSA, and keep us updated!

Scary. Hopefully this doesn't happen to lots of people, and hopefully there was just a mix up and you got it for certain. Who was your analyst?

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