The Guys Club: Guy Students Come on In!

Nurses Announcements Archive


Hi All!

I'm a crazy father of 2 ex-premed who just recently turned down Northwestern to go into a RN program.

I already have an Associate in Science, but I'll be getting another ADN and then go to a 4 yr school.

When I went to an info session about the RN program ill be trying to get into, out of like 70 ppl only 5 were guys.

So I want to know are there any men out there?

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I hear what you are saying, I was a medic in the Air Force! When the younger people start whining I just remember they don't have the advantage of having survived a Drill Instructor screaming inches from your face for no apparent reason! I also wonder how they would do if "Mommy and Daddy" were not bankrolling them. Let them pay for classes & books, and then lets hear what they have to say! I do have to say there a couple of them that really bust their butts to make it in the ADN program and I respect that.

Well, I did survive a drill sergeant yelling at me during infantry school in Ft. Benning. I'm 23 and fininshing up prereqs now so I can start nursing school in August. I live in SC and there are a few guys in some of my classes with me. Is it just me or why does it seem most male students are middle aged? I only know one other guy, he's 22, thats taking nursing. Just a thought. Glad to find this thread. Brandon

Specializes in Nursing Education.

From my perspective, I think a lot of guys make nursing a career change for themselves, and this does not take place until they are a little older. I was 18 years old when I entered nursing and there were few men in my class. But I also think that older men find nursing attractive because of the availability of jobs as well as the flexibility that nursing offers. Come on .... where are you going to find a career that lets you do a lot of different things like nursing does? I would be hard pressed to find anything that is closer to the "perfect" career other than nursing.

In addition, there is much more advertising about it being "ok" for men to be nurses today. Just my thoughts.

Yes my program is hardcore trying to recruit men.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Oncology/CCU/ER.


I can relate, when I began my LPN to RN to MSN trip I was 31, married with two kids and also the sole provider. First, we downsized everything! We started living on a very tight budget for about 6 months prior to my entering a one-year lpn program (the cost of the program was approx. $3500.) During this 6 months I took a CNA certification class, took a job on a med-surg unit and tried to live off of what I would make as a CNA-for us that turned out to be impossible! Fortunately I had about $12000 in savings available, so i budgeted what I would make as a CNA plus about 500. a month from savings.-we lived off of 2100/mo. (1600 from work and 500 from savings). After 3 months at the hospital I was eligible for their tuition reimbursement program which covered most of the cost of my program. I completed the program Oct 03, licensed in Nov. and continued to work on the same floor I've been on since starting at the hospital. I am now working on my ADN which I will complete at the end of this year (I had all my prereq's from previous college work). The plan is to work on the MSN (Nurse Practitioner) starting next year-all while working. We now live on the same budget but with no need to take any money out of savings-so I had some savings left over and that's what I've been using to finance the rest of my ed. Hope this helps and makes sense!

Specializes in Nursing Education.
Originally posted by upgreach

During this 6 months I took a CNA certification class, took a job on a med-surg unit and tried to live off of what I would make as a CNA-for us that turned out to be impossible! Fortunately I had about $12000 in savings available, so i budgeted what I would make as a CNA plus about 500. a month from savings.-we lived off of 2100/mo.

Bravo to you! It is tough getting through school when you have family obligations and bills that have to be paid! I know, like you, I did the very same thing, except, I did not have the savings to fall back on or a wife to help me. I was raising my kids alone and trying to meet all the obligations. Overall, I think if you really want the career change and want to become a nurse, there is a way to get it done.

I have never regretted being a nurse and the sacrifice I made to finish school is something that has made me more determined to get things done in my life. Good luck to you and keep going.


hey guys, if i wear a fake mustache and a fake beard can i join the guys club?:p :D :chuckle :)

Specializes in Nursing Education.
Originally posted by soltera

hey guys, if i wear a fake mustache and a fake beard can i join the guys club?:p :D :chuckle :)

I vote yes, what about the rest of you guys? :roll

thanks RNPATL;) :blushkiss

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I have worked for the last 6 years at an area hospital as lead phlebotomist. Whan I decided to go back to school to get my ADN I realized I could never afford to pay tuition up front and wait for the partial (70%) reimbursment the hospital offers to employees and still afford to live, I have a wife and two children. I wrote a proposal to the VP of Patient Care that said, if the hospital would pay 100% of my tuition up front, in return I would agree to practice at the hospital for at least 5 years after I get my license, tuition reimbursment requires no commitment of time. Now all I pay for is my text books, (which are expensive enough). Where there is a will, there is a way!

Good for you man.

Hey guys , we L.P.N. students face the same kind of problems . How 'bout giving us some love ? By the way if your afraid of girls they will eat you alive,steal your lunch money,and laugh at the way your scrubs fit . After awhile your just one of girls to them . :devil:

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