The Guys Club: Guy Students Come on In!

Nurses Announcements Archive


Hi All!

I'm a crazy father of 2 ex-premed who just recently turned down Northwestern to go into a RN program.

I already have an Associate in Science, but I'll be getting another ADN and then go to a 4 yr school.

When I went to an info session about the RN program ill be trying to get into, out of like 70 ppl only 5 were guys.

So I want to know are there any men out there?

Thank you for your kind post

Morr--- What did you do in the Coast Guard???

----Asks the proud former Navy Hospital Corpsman

Specializes in CVICU/CCU/ICU.

I am 1 of 4 males out of a class of 22 students total. I am in an accelerated BSN program which started 1/2/04 and graduates on 12/16/04. :coollook:

That has to be one of the fastest acceration programs around. Out of curriosity, how many credit hours (sem or quart.) do they squeeze in the 11.5 months?

Specializes in CVICU/CCU/ICU.

59 credit hours total.

You have to already have a 4 year degree from another university to be eligible.

Hope that gives you enough information.

:) I'm 41 still in my Pre-reqs,so don't know what the ratio will be like when I get to the nursing classes.I'm a Diesal Mechanic at the moment.

Hey guys. I take my LPN boards next month, 3 semesters to go on my RN. Also finishing my Paramedic. And I love being a nurse! I'm surrounded by women in pajamas, what more could you ask for?:p :rolleyes:

Originally posted by ER hippie

Hey guys. I take my LPN boards next month, 3 semesters to go on my RN. Also finishing my Paramedic. And I love being a nurse! I'm surrounded by women in pajamas, what more could you ask for?:p :rolleyes:

ROFL! ;)

Well, I guess I'm another of the "few, the proud, the male" soon to be entering school. Am i crazy to be doing this at 32? who knows, but i look forward to the challenges.

Specializes in SRNA.

No no. You are perfectly sane. Now, if you were to be 33 and doing this you would be completely insane like me.


Are you crazy? Probably, but thats a benefit in nursing LOL. And no, its never to late to start. I'm 29 and was one of the "younger" students in my class of 60. Good luck to you and welcome aboard!!!

Oh, btw, there were 4 other guys in my class.

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