Published Oct 30, 2010
208 Posts
In January I will begin the RN-BSN program at Texas Tech University Health Science Center. I've seen scattered posts about this program over the past few years. Just wondering if anyone else on here will be enrolling at the same time, or any recent grads. The book list has the APA manual on there over and over and expect I'll be writing a LOT of papers. Going to be working and schooling FT for the first time ever. Also, with the new push for a doctorate as the entry level for NPs, will I have time to get my MSN and still become an NP?
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
i will graduate in december (rn to bsn) ...what specific questions do you have?
there is papers but it is mostly discussion board responses. every class has one or two major papers due. i have a apa formatting program on my computer so i have only opened that apa book once. everything has to be in apa even discussion board assignments.....everything has to have references so that is more apa.....
First, congratulations on getting your RN and now your BSN! As for the discussion boards - Wow, that actually sounds fantastic! It sounds like you are able to still get a semblance of interaction with your peers, which must add to the experience. That makes me very excited.
Is there a component of the program which covers a clinical aspect, such as pathophys/pharm/assessment?
Are there any traditional "tests?"
Do you find the grading process to be fair and just?
Have you made friends with any of your peers?
Are there assignments which require you to do any community outreach type work (like going to a public health facility, for example)?
Did you do the CPHQ?
Has the staff/leadership provided any direction for students wishing to continue on to a masters program? As I'm sure you know, in 2015 the DNP will be the new requirement for NPs, and I'm wondering how this will affect the masters level programs.
3 Posts
I am desperate for info from someone who is attending or has graduated from the TTU RN-BSN program.
I have been accepted to TTU RN-BSN program starting in Jan 2010. I have also been accepted at LCU RN-BSN program. I don't know which to choose because I work full time and have a disabled child that needs lots of attention. I have heard that Tech's program is all on line and that there is a lot of writing involved. The fact that it is all on line is very attractive to me since I will be able to continue to work full time. LCU's program is part online/part classes. I would have to go to class Tue/Thur and of course would miss work those days (I work 830-5p M-F), but I have been told that while they do require some writing, they prefer papers to be no more than 5 pages.
My trade off is either all on line courses with alot of writing or some online/some classes with less writing, but I would have to work weekends to make up the days I miss while at school. BTW, I hate writing...but I realize it is required for this degree & I am ready & excited to do it.
I am interested in your take on TTU's program. How intense is it? What is the minimum as far as how long the papers need to be? What are exams like? Are the instructors easily accessable and helpful? How much time do you generally spend working on class work? How do the classes break down - # of writings, discussions, exams, ect? If I start in the Spring, I will have one full semester, then finish in the summer - what is summer session like?
I think I read somewhere that you have an APA program on your computer, how can I get that?
Any feedback you can give will be greatly appreciated. I am sick to my stomach trying to figure out which program to go to and I only have a few couple of weeks to decide.
steph.rn, sorry my last post was meant for txspadequeenRN since she is already in the TTU RN-BSN program.
If I decide to go to Tech rather than LCU, I guess we'll be in it together. From what I have read, you should be able to finish the RN-BSN program in 2 semesters, and the MSN program in three semesters (could be wrong there). I'm not sure about NP program length. I am wondering if I obtain MSN by 2013 & start the NP program, if I don't finish by 2015, will I have to get PhD or will I be "grand-fathered in?"
Like when you get a degree plan & it changes the next year, you are still under the degree plan you started with, not the new one. Does that make sense? That is what I am hoping for anyway. I'm not interested in getting a PhD at this point.
I'm definitely going to Tech, so if that's what you decide on, then I'll see you there. I'm hoping the same for being grandfathered in. Good luck with your decision!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the Texas nursing program discussion forum
2 Posts
hey guys, i've also been accepted for the spring semester and am a little anxious regarding the "papers" and course work. steph those are excellent questions can't wait to hear more from tx.... guess we'll be seeing each other in december.
is there a component of the program which covers a clinical aspect, such as pathophys/pharm/assessment?
the only clinical component per say is in community nursing... which is last semester. we had a group project and several students had to go out and interview people that had been pregnant as teens to get data for the was not anything in depth so don't get scared....there is a pharm course in the second semester but it is just a general review of policies and joint commission requirements not a big deal and there is no text book...
are there any traditional "tests?"- that depends on what you consider traditional....there are several finals online but you never have to go to a testing center or anything.
do you find the grading process to be fair and just? yes, i think they are a bit unorganized though and the discussion board process for posting assignments can be awfully confusing. if you have 3-4 courses and they all have different db requirements it can get wild.....they understand family problems and will give you extensions and stuff but you have to be upfront and not wait until the last minute to talk with them
have you made friends with any of your peers?- no...i'm not there to make friends ..i am all business
are there assignments which require you to do any community outreach type work (like going to a public health facility, for example)? see first question
did you do the cphq?- i am doing that course now. let me warn you it is very in depth and requires a lot of time.
every class has a paper some courses have 2 papers but it is fairly simple. in orientation they stress apa format heavily. i use a automatic apa formatter and have had no issues at all.
i have 6 children,2 jobs, full time school and married to the biggest baby west of the mississippi ....if i can do it then anyone can do far i have all a's and b's........but then i have 3 courses left to finish....