Texas Tech BSN 2 Fall 2013


I am applying for Texas Tech's Accelerated BSN program. So I wanted to start a thread for all Fall2013 hopefuls. I think I am going to apply to both Austin and the other location that is not El Paso(I can't think of the name)

I am applying for Texas Tech's accelerated BSN program. So I wanted to start a thread for all Fall2013 hopefuls. I think I am going to apply to both Austin and the other location that is not El Paso(I can't think of the name)

Hello!! I am applying for the Fall 2013 as well! Have you taken the TEAS V exam yet? If so, do you have any advice? Thanks for starting this thread! :)

Hello!! I am applying for the Fall 2013 as well! Have you taken the TEAS V exam yet? If so, do you have any advice? Thanks for starting this thread! :)

I did take it but I don't remember much but I did find a message a friend sent me that was pretty scary

The first section was reading. It was mostly answering questions about a few paragraphs you just read. Some of the questions would give you a few sentences and ask which one is considered an 'opinion'. I actually had trouble with this section. I was always behind on time and ended up not getting the last question answered. I think you have to be prepared to move quickly through the questions.

Math was about 30-40 questions that seemed pretty easy, but that's where I'm strongest. Even the few questions that required a simple formula provided the formula, e.g., converting Celsius to Farenheit. There were 2-3 metric conversions but even then, they gave the formula; example, how many centimeters in a yard, and then they give you the equivalency of inches to centimeters. If dimentional analysis is something you can do, then this won't be a problem. Know how to do this: (3x + y)(x-2). There are a few of those. There was a question or two over roman numerals, so just know the lesser used numerals like L, D, C, and M.

Science was a bit of a problem. I'm a chemistry guy and not so much a biology guy. The science section was about 75% biology in my estimation. Chemistry was just some general concepts about mass number and atomic number. There was one question where you had to balance an equation to get the answer. Know about covalent, ionic bonds. Biology-wise there were a few questions about meiosis vs mitosis, diploid vs haploid, etc. Cell membrane structure was covered some. The test hit on natural selection vs adaptation some. There were a couple of questions on genetic using the old red flower crossed with white flower outcome scenario.

Grammar was the last section. It was mostly looking at a single sentence and picking out errors like punctuation and verb tense. There were a few questions where you would choose a couple of words that would best complete a sentence. You need to know about conjunctive adverbs, and pick out word modifiers like pronouns

Good luck, lets keep track other posted about the process

I am working on getting into the program as well at all the locations. Just got checked off on my CNA requirement, now studying for the teas.

I am working on getting into the program as well at all the locations. Just got checked off on my CNA requirement, now studying for the teas.

That is wonderful. I wish you best of luck, lets keep each other posted throughout the process. :-)

Is anyone taking Patho with Texas Tech for the fall?

Is anyone taking Patho with Texas Tech for the fall?

I did not

Does anyone know about the time letters/emails will be sent out?

The letters normally go out mid April early May. We still have a bit of a wait on our hands. Anticipation is killing me.

Hello! I am new to this thread. I am also applying to the Texas Tech Second Degree program...the Abilene location. I am a little confused about when the letters go out..I thought the application dates were as follows: March 25th-May25th?

Actually, I just realized I commented on this thread back in November! Bahaha! I just noticed I got a response to my TEAS question...Oops! Thank you for the response!!! :)

Hello! I am new to this thread. I am also applying to the Texas Tech Second Degree program...the Abilene location. I am a little confused about when the letters go out..I thought the application dates were as follows: March 25th-May25th?

I think the deadline is March 25

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