Tested positive for dilaudid


Was recently tested for "erratic behavior" (eventhough they couldn't say what was erratic about my behavior) and got a call and to my dismay I tested positive for Dilaudid. How this happened I do not know. I hear certain things can cause false positives. Especially things like diet pills etc...(took some of my wife's phentermine...maybe that caused it.) Is this true?

What will happen next? I didn't take any dilaudid and Im especially not addicted to anything in any form or fashion. What do I do?

Do I request retests? Do I even have a leg to stand on? Or am I condemmed to TPAPN?

Please help.

Magsulfate----Ummm, I'm sorry, I think I'm the QUEEN OF TEXAS AND TPAPN!!! I kid, I kid!!

I'm right there with you. I read the post, and guess we think too much alike. Something doesn't pass the sniff test.

Magsulfate and I both have been where you are. Take an honest look at yourself. TPAPN is doable---NOT FUN. But you have a chance to come out of this and a better person.

Keep us posted~we have been known to be wrong. But not often--Right??

Specializes in ICU.

RNRUT!! Nice to see you again! haha :) I've been away from the boards lately, but those comments were on a night I was very very bored. I got a little excited when I saw myself in that first post. So, I had to be harsh.

If you knew me in person, you would know that I don't have a mean bone in my body. I can be such a pushover sometimes. But the first post didn't push me over,,, I saw myself in that post, and that's why I saw right through it. I posted what I would have needed at that point in my life. Who knows if I did any good.

Specializes in ICU.

Now Jack, why are you bringing Judas Priest into this? lol

Judas Priest! Aren't we (no.....YOU MAG) a testy little....thing tonight/this morning? Ain't no way I'm bowing to some recovering addict nurse! We know all about your kind...don't we. ;) :D

And I love ya just the same. And my sister thinks I'M a hard....liner! GEEZ!

I don't recommend the attorney in order to "get out of the situation". I recommend the attorney to prevent the BON, TPAPAN, or anyone/anything else from stepping all over the person's civil rights. Sometimes, in the aftermath of being confronted, the person says and signs things that can make things very difficult later. Since we all know things can become extremely difficult during this process, preventing self induced difficulties is extremely important. We don't need to become our own worst enemy...at least no more so than the disease already makes us our own worst enemy.

You're right...if they said dilaudid, then it's more than a dipstick. But...fentanyl is 80 - 100 times more potent than MS and sufentanil is 1,000 times more potent. They are the good stuff. And, because they are so potent, the person misusing them will progress from first use to almost dead in 3 - 6 months. That's the equivalent of about 20-25 years of alcohol misuse. So what? The further the disease progresses, the more difficult treatment becomes and the less likely long term remission is UNLESS treatment is long term (i.e. 90 days or more). The more potent the substance, the faster the disease progresses. We don't have the luxury of waiting until someone "hits bottom". Intervene now when we suspect a colleague has this disease. They aren't bad or weak. They are ill, and they don't even know it.

Perhaps this incident is the one that will save a life.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hey - To the OP, I am sorry to hear about what u are going through with the situation. This is always a topic where I can stand to learn more each day. I had to retire from the field r/t some medical issues, and have been a stay at home mom for about 2 yrs now.

I'm glad a poster gave u info about not giving out info to anyone, even someone who u think u may be able to trust with whatever, because that did happen to me after I tested positive for opiates in August of 1999. I was guilty as charged, but should have heeded the info u were given.

Jack and Mag both are SUCH great resources - Mag, I'm glad to see u back. I've been kind of scarce myself lately.

Good luck to u!


While I agree that it would be best to admit you have a problem, I also strongly recommend you seek legal advice first. I am currently in Tpapn. I have been clean and sober for 8 months, but I was just indited for diverting drugs from the nursing facility I was working at. I admitted to what I had done. I started treatment immediatly and I choice to do more than what was asked of me by Tpapn but Im not being given immunity. So get a lawyer. I wish I had alot sooner. Good Luck and God Bless.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Ortho, Oncology, PACU.

If, indeed, you are serious and never took dilaudid, i would be very concerned and be causing an upraor with the lab about why you tested positive for a drug you didn't take....and not test positive at all for one you are on (Adderal). Also, if you took your wife's diet pills, and they aren't yours...you most certainly can be reported to the board or queried for taking an RX that was not prescribed to you.

Not to judge, but if you are diverting...you can hide it for a while. But you can't hide forever. If you are not....do anything (even with money being tight) to get a hair follicle and/or representation and fight for your innocence

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