Test in 36 hours don't know what to do


Specializes in Hem/Onc/BMT.

UGGGHHH I don't even know what I feel right now should I be doing questions all night or just lamp on the couch and relax:no:. I can't say I am nervous despite not having an appetite for 3 days and reviewing rationales I am done with Suzanne's plan have completed my kaplan online.

what do you guys think? Should I just stop tomorrow I am not doing a thing in regards to NCLEX so should I go for one last hurrah tonight.

Just trying to stay calm although I am surprisingly positive:clown:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Stop studying, relax

Do not do one thing more for the exam, the computer should be off and books put away. And then do something fun tomorrow just for you.

Best of luck on your exam.

Hang in there girl, I am right behind you with my exam on aug 8th. Sit back and chill with a tall glass of ice tea and hey maybe even take a long relaxing bubble bath. You are ready!!!!!!:yeah:

Specializes in Hem/Onc/BMT.

Trying to get off this site for the nite :typing... begining to think I am addicted to allnurses I don't know what I am going to do for does a break mean away from you guy too?

Sleep, maybe go out to dinner with friends, laugh, and relax.:up:

Good luck!!:redbeathe:heartbeat

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