teaching guides

Specialties Home Health


I have also been looking for teaching guides.

I haven't found a single source yet. Maybe

we should do it here? Do you have a good list of nursing websites?

I have been collecting nursing related websites for a year or so and a teaching guide can always be formulated using one or the other of them.

When these fail, I fly to www.altavista.digital.com, and

www.dejanews.com. These two corner the market, IMHO.

After 14 years in critical care, I'm now doing home health. Does anyone know if there is somewhere on the net that has teaching guides?


Hi, I have also been looking for patient teaching software. Whoever creates is is going to make money. Wish I had the talent and ablility to create a software that was easy to use and easy to print up. I can usually find what I want on the web but it is much to time consuming. Peggy

You are right about the lack of teaching software for clients. I work as a diabetes educator and know of some programs aimed at the younger client group with a question answer format. One program I saw at a recent conference had a quiz show complete with the decorative female assistant! Have you tried some of the major drug companies as a starting point? They would be one group in health care who aren't scratching for funds.

Good luck.

I find alot of good Patient teaching stuff right off the web sites like the American Heart Assoc, Cancer society, American diabetes Assoc., etc. I find half the fun of the internet is surfing around discovering new places. My patients love it when I bring them info from the internet!

"Client Teaching Guides for Home Health" by Donna Meyers is an excellent book. It's available at Amazon. It's pricey, but I have used the guides a lot in home care, saved my sanity, saved time, and provided effective education utilizing the guides.

I copied her guides, gave one to the patient, and provided one to the chart with dates to document my teaching. The author states that these guides may be used in this way.

I found with smaller agencies, they did not have the means to provide much in the way of teaching materials. I Bought my copy about 5 years ago, and have used it with several agencies. A copy of the teaching materials to the chart at an all paper agency really pleases auditors.

Whenever I come across something on the net, usually from a credible source, I will print a copy to use for teaching. Will look into the book by Donna Meyers. Thanks for the tip.

Chimers-Help! I looked up that book on Amazon. Am I doing it wrong? I only see 1 USED available, and it's $999 (that's more than a bit pricey to me) I've seen this book before, and it is good. But seriously, am I doing something wrong, or is there only one available?

The one Chimer's referenced is out of print book and is going to be very hard to find. There is a new version with the same title, from the same publisher but with a different author.

My offices has both version of that book but I find I use Home Care: Patient and Family Instructions by Deborah K Zastocki, etal the most. It is intended that the teaching guides in it be copied to hand out but even better, it has a CD with all the instructions that you can customize and print. I also feel like it's a bit more concise and friendlier to the layman. The downside is it's nearly 10 years old. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Home-Care/Deborah-K-Zastocki/e/9780721684420/?pwb=1&

Here is a link to the google preview of the book:


And a link to the new version of Client Teaching Guides for Home Health Care


Wow comrades! I had no idea that the book had become out of print and was $999.00, are you kidding me???? I paid $147 whay back when and it really did save my sanity. I would opt for the newest available which is the Client Teaching Guides by Linda Gorman. The disk will enable you to print directly from your computer and not have to fool around with a xerox like I had to. Humble apologies, I only meant to give you a lead, not send you into sticker shock! :redpinkhe

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