TCU Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Y'all!

I just applied for entrance into the Fall 2017 TCU BSN program. Looking for others who are in the same boat and maybe connect with hopeful future classmates! I attended one of the information sessions in which I was very surprised to hear them tell us NOT to retake any classes we have taken and passed with a C as they only want you to have a 2.5 or better. They said they look really hard at everyone as a person and not off your "book smarts" which I think is how admissions should work for something such as nursing. Little bit about myself I have been a PCT in the Harris ER for a year and a half, CNA license and NHA License as a Certified Electrocardiograph Technician. My GPA is a 2.65 not great, I know. However after this semester I will have completed ALL my BSN prerequisites classes.

My Hesi scores are:

Math 68

Grammar 74

Vocabulary 76

Reading 86

Anatomy 64

Biology 68

Chemistry 72

I'm hoping my personal statement, resume, ROM letters, and experience will help me get in!

Just called TCU SON, Rose (I think she is an administrative assistant or receptionist) said that TRADITIONAL TRACK acceptance and denial letters will either be emailed or mailed by April 17, 2017.
That makes sense because the lady I spoke with said they would be mailed on Friday. I just hope we get at least an email soon!

OMG NOW THE WAIT CONTINUES!!!! I Think I'm going to go crazy!!! Fingers crossed for all of us!

I still see myself checking my mail and email every half hour! :roflmao:

Same. I wish they would just tell us already. My hearts races every time I open my email/mailbox/portal up. I'll probably die before I even get a answer í ½í¸‚

Right? I'm at work and I check every time I sit back down at the computer!

First post but got accepted to the accelerated program today!! My HESI:

Math 96

Grammar 94

Vocabulary 100

Reading 90

Anatomy 84

Biology 96

Chemistry 100

overall: 94

But my GPA was pretty bad haha (like pretty sure it didn't even meet the cut off idk how i got accepted). Also threw my GRE score of 320 on the application. I emailed the admission staff a lot maybe that made a difference too. Deciding between two schools right now but after living in the midwest my entire life a change in weather would be wonderful! Maybe I'll see you all this fall. Good luck to everyone waiting on their letters and congrats to everyone that got accepted!

Congrats! What was your GPA like?

It was 2.99. I was originally engineering so maybe they took that into account. But I had good grades for the pre reqs they require maybe that saved me who knows. But very thankful to have been accepted!

Also I've had a lot of clinical experience. I currently work as a scribe under a breast surgeon, I've volunteered in multiple hospitals, I've worked as a medical receptionist. As well as doing research and being a TA for anatomy, and leadership in my sorority. If they looked at my application holistically I believe it is strong despite the gpa.

Congratulations prettysing!

I was wondering if they are going to send the letters out Friday will our portals update first? I'm just dying to know because if I'm denied I can start my prereqs I'm missing for UTA.

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