Published Jun 21, 2013
sweetdreame, BSN, RN
140 Posts
Hello All!
I just confirmed that they got all of my application the wait begins! Has anyone else applied to TCU?
I got my interview letter today!
190 Posts
I've gotten mine also! Good luck!
1 Post
So how about that Prevue assesment? They are going to LAUGH at this guy when they see my results
11 Posts
So how did interviews go?
2 Posts
what was your gpa and how long did you work at an icu?
I've worked 2.5 years in Icu, but my gpa isn't awesome.
7 Posts
Acceptance letters were sent out today via email to start Jan 2014.
Good luck! Received mine today.
I received my acceptance letter today too!! Yay!
Screen name
151 Posts
Accepted as well!
21 Posts
Hi all. I am planning to apply next year. I was wondering if you all would not mind posting your gpa, gre, and icu experience at the time of your application. I have a 3.7 cumulative gpa, and 4.0 science. I have not taken the gre yet and working on ccrn at the momment. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Information you requested ohyeah.
Experience when applied: 2 1/2 years in MICU
Credentials: BLS, ACLS, PALS, TNCC, and CCRN (All required expect TNCC)
Councils: Practice Council for ICU and told them I recently joined the education council.
Overall: Never charged but did precep.
Overall GPA for BSN: ~3.47
Nursing GPA: ~ 3.5 with overall science GPA of 4.0 (Retook Chem 1 for a A, only class that wasn't a A in my science GPA)
Highest Chem course: Chemistry 1
GRE: 300 combined and 3.5 writing (They nailed me on the writing. I was truthful and told them writing is not my strong point and the topics I had to write I had no clue about - art topic and something else. I also said the test did not reflect who I was nor what I was capable of. They seemed to accept my answer).
Graduate classes prior to applying: None
Note on college: First 2 years, I bet my GPA was
Interview was straight forward. What made me stand out I believe was the fact I was on a council, I was the sole investigator for a study on the nursing side that may/may not be published (asked questions about this) and my personal essay was well written. My references were also pretty good from what I could gather. I was also myself and relaxed during the interview. Be yourself. Don't BS these people. Tell them your REAL faults and not some made up fault that you think will sound good.
I tell you all of this because I thought I had no chance in getting in due to my prior college experience when I was young. I wasn't a 4.0 student with a clean record but I somehow by the grace of god got in. I applied to 5 schools including the Mayo Clinic and a school out in Cali and received interviews to every school I applied to. I only interviewed at one and that was TCU because it was my first choice. Be confident in applying to CRNA School and know you are ready. This isn't a cheap endeavor.
One thing I have to say about TCU. The moment I showed up to the interview, these people made me feel like I belonged there. I could not believe how professional these people were. I left there not wanting to go anywhere else. That is my biased opinion as I haven't interviewed anywhere else.
Best of luck!