Tallahassee Community College- Fall 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone here planning to apply to Tallahassee Community College's RN program beginning Fall 2016? I have finished all pre-req's, but have not taken the HESI. Anybody that has taken the HESI, how was it?!

My nerves are wrecked man

Girl me too!!!! Every time my phone vibrates my heart races!!!! I called today though just to check and they said it can take up to 8 weeks...

July 6 makes exactly 8 weeks but next wed is the 8th we'd if you include the day apps were due ughhhh

Girl me too!!!! Every time my phone vibrates my heart races!!!! I called today though just to check and they said it can take up to 8 weeks...
Specializes in OB.

Today marks 6 weeks. I emailed Neisa. She said 6-8 weeks. As we all know but I felt maybe if get more info í ½í¹ˆí ½í¸©

Ughh I hope we don't have to wait the full 8 weeks. It's like they want to torture us...

I know I am freaking out!!!!

Specializes in OB.

This is absolutely torture. :bluecry1: i check my iPhone mail, my outlook app, then i get online and log in to stupid passport. there should be an actual day. not a torturous waiting period. :sniff:

I've read through other threads from previous years and it seems like they found out a little bit before the 6 week mark. I'm going crazy:(!!!

Hey, I called and they said they have started to send out emails!!!! :woot: ABOUT TO GO CRAZY!

Ughhhh I hope they don't do it in alphabetical order lol

Anybody hear anything yet?

No, nothing yet! :(

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