Taking The Boards


Hi Everybody,

I know each school and individual is different, but how long did it take you after graduating school to actually be able to sit for the boards? More importantly, how long did you have to wait after you took them to find out if you passed/failed? After that how long did it take you to get your l license in the mail?


Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Thinking back I would say it took me about 2 weeks after graduation to get the ok to schedule and I took another week to study so I tested aprox. 3 weeks after graduation. I found out that I passed in 2 days on the BON website. Good luck!

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

I graduated December 15th, got my ATT Jan 2nd, chose today as my testing date but could have tested as early as last week.

My classmates have been getting results in 24-48 hours, so I keeping fingers crossed.

i graduated december 15th, got my att on the 9th, and tested on the 18th. some of my classmates got their atts sooner. i'm not sure why--the program chair sent everyone's graduation info out on the same day. my guess is they may have paid their licensing and testing fees sooner than i did; that may have facilitated the process a bit.

i had to choose a testing center that was not the closest to my home, because the closest one didn't have a date until february!! so testing on a thursday, my results were available at pearsonvue.com on saturday--for $7.95 of course--they take advantage of your wanting to know now if you passed:) my license number appeared on the bon website today, five days after testing. i should have the paper one soon.

good luck to you!!!!!;)

Specializes in Surgical Intensive Care.

I'm not sure how long it was for me to get my ATT, I wanted to wait as long as possible to take boards. I actually took them on the day my temps ran out, that was a monday, got my license on Thursday, and had a baby the following Monday!!!:uhoh3:

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
I'm not sure how long it was for me to get my ATT, I wanted to wait as long as possible to take boards. I actually took them on the day my temps ran out, that was a monday, got my license on Thursday, and had a baby the following Monday!!!:uhoh3:

WOW!!!!:balloons: :balloons: :monkeydance: Congratulations, new mom and new nurse!!

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
Hi Everybody,

I know each school and individual is different, but how long did it take you after graduating school to actually be able to sit for the boards? More importantly, how long did you have to wait after you took them to find out if you passed/failed? After that how long did it take you to get your l license in the mail?


I graduated April 2006, and took the boards on June 1, 2006...found out two days later that I passed and my license came within the week. I was working as an LPN in July 2006. I tried to take the boards almost as soon as possible...meaning that I had a chance to cover the entire Comprehensive Study Guides and answered with close to 6000 questions by then. I didn't want to have to sit for that test more than once. Many people take it really soon after, such as those that have posted here. I wasn't that confident, but, tried to make sure that I attacked the subjects that gave me a hard time, such as fluid and electrolytes. Good luck!!!

Specializes in LTC, hospital, office.

I graduated on the 22nd of December and got my ATT on the 17th of January, could have tested the next day, but that isn't happening! I am scheduled to test on the 16 February.

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