Taking the NY state board exam for cna this friday- Need Help!



I am taking the CNA state board for ny this friday and i am very nervous. I was hoping somebody has already taken the exam and can give me a few tips to ease the nervousness and anxiety...any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am in NY :) Best advice is to take your time! They give you plenty of time. I had 27 minutes, and was finished in 10 with one minor error (On the first skill I lowered the bed to what I thought was ALL the way down, but it could of gone down another couple of inches. The RN came and lowered it more so I knew I messed up!) If you know you made a mistake say, "I made an error. I am redoing it." Also, don't forget about reading each question carefully on the written exam. There are questions with 2 right answers, but one is more correct. As long as you have been practicing all along you will be fine. Wear scrubs to the test. It looks and gives you a more professional look. The people who wore jeans looked unprepared. Best of luck! Let us know how it turns out :)

Be confident,go girl u can do it!!!:)

Good luck! Practice the day before with some classmates and have a skills party. Write down everything on index cards and eveyone draws some skills. Have someone timing and observing with the book to let you know how your doing.

When I took my test I had to wait almost two hours to do the skills. Instead of chatting like most people I sat and wrote out each skill step by step so they were fresh on my mind when I was tested.

Thank you paws! I am more nervous about the skills part...i am a working mother of 5 children so i have had to practice on them and also deal with everything else, so i am worried i wont be fully prepared!

Thank you ybur514....I will try and do my best! I really appreciate the encouragement!

Thank you Slaveheart for your suggestions. Unfortunatley i have been unable to time w/ my classmates but i have been practicing on my own and watching videos...i am so super nervous the skills portion but i know i can do it....thanks again!

Thank you ybur514....I will try and do my best! I really appreciate the encouragement!

Ur welcome:) yea make sure to review all the skills the night before ur exam day,and memorize all the vital signs baseline as well. Do u guys have a mandatory skills to do in ur state exam?like in my state b.p taking and handwashing is the 2 mandatory skills then we pick 3 more skills randomly to perform. Gudluck!do it for ur kids :)

Ur welcome:) yea make sure to review all the skills the night before ur exam day,and memorize all the vital signs baseline as well. Do u guys have a mandatory skills to do in ur state exam?like in my state b.p taking and handwashing is the 2 mandatory skills then we pick 3 more skills randomly to perform. Gudluck!do it for ur kids :)

The only skill that's definate is Handwashing, and Indirect Care :)

Thank you paws! I am more nervous about the skills part...i am a working mother of 5 children so i have had to practice on them and also deal with everything else, so i am worried i wont be fully prepared!
Go online to NY Prometric and print out the skill's checklist. It tells you EXACTLY what the RN examiner is grading you on for each skill. What part of NY are you in? City, Long Island, Upstate? It wasn't nearly as hard as I was told it would be to get a job in a hospital without knowing someone. I was surprised I was offered two. I thought for sure I would end up in LTC for a year first. There are jobs in NY for CNA's :) Good luck!!!!
Specializes in Informatics, Orthopaedics.

Don't forget to put the call light within easy reach of the patient/resident. I only mention it because I kept forgetting it.

Thank you tenjuna! I won't forget hopefully! i appreciate the encouragement!

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