Taking the nclex-rn exam for the 3rd time on oct.2

Nursing Students NCLEX


It will be my 3rd time to take the nclex rn exam and its killing me just thinkin about it...:no: i wanna be as relaxed and calm as possible but it seems like i can't focus on my review this past few days... months before, i used to answer 150-200 questions a day but now that i only have a few days left i know im supposed to answer more questions but i cnt seem to do it... im scared.. and im so nervous!:heartbeat... i really really wanna pass this test... and i can't wait to learn new things... and be an effective nurse :nurse:. This is what im ought to do so help me pls dear GOD. :angel:


I'm taking my test in exactly 7 days. this will be my 3rd time retesting on 12/16. i would love any last minute advice or tips that you have. i really struggle with remembering drugs, hypo/hyper, adds/cush...i get them all jumbled up under the pressure.

help me :( and keep me in your prayers as well!

Hey Murphal, Yes a very stressful time it is the last 7 days worrying especially because you took it twice already (been there). You have to try to stay relaxed. Remember you already took it twice so you know what to expect from the testing center how the atmosphere is going to be etc. Just take a deep breath & blow away the negative, stay positive you CAN pass this time. As for drugs I really don't have any pointers I'm really bad at that stuff & look up everything in the hospital because I can't remember the drugs. So just try your best with the drugs or remember a small portion of them & if something looks familiar in the answer it could be the answer. Hypo remember everything is low. Hyper everything is high, too much. In Addisions disease your body i not making enough cortisol (you need to add cortisol), everything is down low bp, low electrolytes. In Cushings disease your body is making too much cortisol (crushing you)... everything is up high bp, high electrolytes. The last few days work on doing practice questions & reviewing vocabulary or if you have Exam Cram review the cram sheet. Do a few practice math questions if you not good at that. GOOD LUCK! I'll keep you in my prayers.

Hey Murphal, Yes a very stressful time it is the last 7 days worrying especially because you took it twice already (been there). You have to try to stay relaxed. Remember you already took it twice so you know what to expect from the testing center how the atmosphere is going to be etc. Just take a deep breath & blow away the negative, stay positive you CAN pass this time. As for drugs I really don't have any pointers I'm really bad at that stuff & look up everything in the hospital because I can't remember the drugs. So just try your best with the drugs or remember a small portion of them & if something looks familiar in the answer it could be the answer. Hypo remember everything is low. Hyper everything is high, too much. In Addisions disease your body i not making enough cortisol (you need to add cortisol), everything is down low bp, low electrolytes. In Cushings disease your body is making too much cortisol (crushing you)... everything is up high bp, high electrolytes. The last few days work on doing practice questions & reviewing vocabulary or if you have Exam Cram review the cram sheet. Do a few practice math questions if you not good at that. GOOD LUCK! I'll keep you in my prayers.

am happy 4 u, plz pray 4 miiii that i pass thiz time..

Murphy, meds. memorize by classification and nuemonics. Cushings use the u in the word to remeber evreything goes up. And in Addisons, the D for down. Both salt and sugar. Hyper and hypo just remeber wat the thyroid does, it controls Temp, BP, metabolism, and Heart rate. So if its Hyper all those are going to be affected and vice versa for hypo.

Hope that helps, keep doing questions and review labs.

Thanks again!! Congrats for passing I did schedule my test for Dec 23rd I feel like too soon, but trying to do what you did!! Thanks a million!!

Stay strong, relax & remain confident. You can pass! :) GOOD LUCK & keep me updated on how things go.


Good job,and Glory to God almighty who granted you your heart desire.

I am happy for you. Keep praying for us. I believe we will make it, it's

just alittle more hard work and God's favor. Once again congratulations, RN.

God help me, plz guy]s pray for meeee to pa]s]s my nclex rn, thi]s i]s my 3rd time....

Angel love, take a deep breath & relax, stay positive you can do it! GOOD LUCK!

Angel love, take a deep breath & relax, stay positive you can do it! GOOD LUCK!

thanx friend, few more dayz..to go. how is the job hunt?

Actually I didn't start job hunting yet. I'm going to Atlantic City for the weekend with my sister. So I figured when I come back I'll start job hunting. Just taking a weekish to enjoy passing & relaxing away from studying & then I'm going to crackdown on the job hunting.

Congrats! What tips do you have for another 3rd timer? The first time I took it I had 92 questions then the second time I had 95 and did worst on the things that i passed the first time. Help!!!!! Let me know if you have any suggestions Thanks and Congrats again!

thank you! I used "Exam Cram" Review book & "Prioritization, Delegation, & Assignment" workbook by LaCharity. Do the full quick 20 chapters in Exam Cram, they are short & to the point, & don't put you to sleep, the font is bigger than most books & you fly through the chapters. They give you the information directly to the point of what you need. & the P,D & A book by LaCharity gives you great questions on which patient to see first & who do you assign __ to. Was a lifesaver for me.

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