Taking NCLEX 3rd time on Dec 16th, 2009


Specializes in Gerontology & Med/Surge.

Hi everyone, this is my 3rd try. I am hoping 3rd time is a charm. I just scheduled the exam today. I have failed twice but last time I took it was in June 2005. I have been studing and finished Kaplan class on November 23. My diagnostic score was 53% and my readiness test score was 63%. I am still not fully done, ofcourse, and still have to fisish my qbank questions in the time I have. When I do questions to practice genreally my scores are from 65% to 53% with an average around 57%. Luckily, I still have a few days. Please give my any input you can. What do you think the scores tell me? Kaplan class says I still need to push a little more. They suggest that the scores should be more than 65%. I am hoping I can get there in the time I have. All input is appreciated.

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

Focus on your content review and understand each question and brainstorm before selecting the right answer. Also stay away from something you think can be a mode of distractor such as limiting time spent on this forum. All you need is 100% effort to achieve your goals. All the best!

I agree with KAYBDT6. It is important to know your content well, especially when asnwering questions. Also, prior to answering the questions, see if you can answer the question without looking at your multiple choice answers. It will enable you to think critically, and if you are wrong, then do read the rationale carefully and analyze what part you didn't understand. I do wish you the best of luck on Dec.

I am actually taking a lil break from studying myself. I'm quite nervous because my exam is this saturday, nov 28th, 2009. I am of course anxious, but feel more prepared. I have a baby so the time spent on studying was minimal and mostly done at nights. So when I prepared for this test, I used the Hurst Review and repeated and repeated everything. If I couldn't verbalize the disease and all its interventions, treatments, etc., then I didn't know it well. However, I didn't memorize it! Lots of people can memorize the material, which I can. But it takes more understanding than what people may think. Critical thinking skills is my weakness, but I'm not going to let it scare me. I've found that the subjects you don't like are the subjects you may want to attack more so. It truly feels great when I tackled the Endocrine system and answered mostly all the questions correctly in the NCLEX-RN 3500. At this point, I do feel that I lack some information about some other diseases, but I can't know everything. I will let you know how it goes after I take my exam. I'm sure I will feel awful but it's normal. Don't rush things, its important you have a structured schedule to study and use your time wisely. Do take breaks! Look at me, I'm a nervous wreck, but I must take a break to keep my brain focused. Every question is valuable to me and each question is important to me.

I bought the Kaplan book and took the cd exam. I scored only a mere 62%. Devastated, YES! I took the NCLEX-RN 3500 tests, scoring 68% and higher. Will I pass the NCLEX? All I can do is my best and persevere. I do hope you feel better and happy studying! I forgot to mention that I too will be taking nclex for the 3rd time. i'm not hoping for luck, because no matter what, i will keep going. I would love to pass, so I can finally begin what I didn't finish. GOD is on my side no matter what! Life obstacles come at you, but it's us who can defeat each and every one of it!

Take care.

Specializes in "Wound care - geriatric care.

I guess...the more questions the better. What I notice with these questions is that they keep coming back to the same subject, so if you know the bits and pieces you can get more questions right. Some are purely luck, some you can figure out. If you guess, do it randomly and not on a hunch. Randomness have more hits. In the end the NCLEX is all about your performance on the day of the test. So relax...it's my 3rd round too! good luck

Good luck to all of you on your exam and remember to get a good night's sleep before the test.

What review material is best for SATA type of questions?


Don't worry about the scores, just keep on preparing. And good luck.

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