Published Mar 5, 2014
62 Posts
Hello again nursing peeps! The day is getting closer and closer! I feel pretty prepared for NCLEX except for one thing, I'm SO nervous for the amount of SATA questions, I keep hearing people having 1/3 to 1/2 of the questions SATA! I've gone through the Lippincott's alternate format question book, but I still am lacking confidence in my ability to answer them! I was wondering if anyone had any last minute encouragement/advice before Friday? Until then, lots of prayers for me PLEASE!!! :)
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Don't sweat the SATA. Real Life & clinical nursing practice is ALL SATA. You make SATA decisions every day.
Thank you and you are def right on that! Are the ones on NCLEX hard? or do they give some easier ones? I'm just scared/frustrated because in the majority of the practice SATA questions that I have done I either seem to select one too many, or one not enough!!! :-/ Is there a trick to answering them? I know you're supposed to treat each option as if it were a T/F. Does NCLEX give you only 4 choices for the SATA or are there 5-6 like the practice questions?
RetrieverGirl, BSN, RN
213 Posts
It's really the luck of the draw with the questions. The harder the questions are the better you are doing just remember that :) Good luck!!!!
Thank you!! I have been doing the Saunders online questions and there is an option to do all alternate format type questions so I have been really practicing those hard tonight! I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with Saunders, but if so, would you say those SATA are comparable to the difficulty level of the SATA that are on NCLEX? Because I'm not doing too shabby on those!
charnsuka, ADN
214 Posts
I would say to continue treating SATA questions as true or false statements. I'm not too fond of these questions either, and I really had trouble answering them in nursing school. But lately as I've been reading each choice as a true/false statement, I've been getting more right. Continue to practice studying these types of questions and you will start to see improvement. Good luck!
Uncle Rico
130 Posts
I took the NCLEX Tuesday (Mar 4) and finished in 170 questions, about 90 of them were SATA. Good Luck.
Did you pass? Oh my gosh that's so many SATA!! I'm really nervous now!!
Yes i passed but i was definitely sure that i had failed once the PC shut down. Good Luck
159 Posts
Just be positive and keep practicing! I had a ton of SATA too! 25-30 questions were alternate format out of the total 75 I had. Honestly, I did terrible on SATA while studying. I used the Lippincott Q&A and picked out all SATA from there and also the NCLEX 4000, Saunders CD and PDA had a good amount of SATA practice. The ones on the test were actually better than the ones I was studying. I was scoring really badly on alternate questions.
CONRATS!!!! :)
CONGRATS!! :) That's good to know because I was doing the ones from the Saunders 6th Edition on the Evolve website last night and I got like only 50% of them right if that!! :-/ Tomorrow's the day, but I'm done studying I think...I've read to take the day before off and relax!! I just got a manicure and now I'm going to get a massage!