Topics About 'Why Nursing'.

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  1. Why Nursing Journal

    I am getting ready to start my 1st semester of clinical on Aug 22nd. The excitement and nervousness has been overwhelming. Yesterday, I wrote in my journal about how I was feeling and someone had mentioned to start a thread with what I had posted. Th...
  2. Why nursing?

    Hi, I am a student waiting to get into a nursing program. I thought nursing was a good job to have because of the high demand, pay, and hours. What I have been reading on other posts is making me believe otherwise. Now, I am questioning if nursing is...
  3. At some point in our lives we all decided to become a Nurse. Maybe some of us decided to be a Nurse after reading the stories on Now, some of us have days when we feel defeated and want to quit and never look back. Other days, we ...
  4. Why Men In Nursing

    Hi guys, I know that I am not of the right gender to be in this forum (hehe). However, I had a question. I am doing a research paper on men in nursing and how it relates to salaries. I was wondering if any of you could tell me why you chose nursing a...
  5. Every nurse has their own story to tell about how or why they chose to enter the nursing profession. Some may have been inspired by a personal experience with healthcare, while others may have been drawn to the idea of caring for others. Some may hav...
  6. Nurses are rock stars at keeping people safe. But what happens when they go home to their normal lives? As these stories will show you, a nurse is more than just a nurse. And you don't stop being a nurse when you take your scrubs off. Read on to hear...
  7. Hi all! Maybe this topic has been covered before, but I'm new here. The reason I'm asking is two fold; To get to know some of ya'll (yes, I'm from Texas) Because I think I've got an odd reason (shrug).Anyway, the reason I want to become a Nurse is b/...
  8. Just wondering what motivates you guys. Why do you feel that nursing is for you, and what are some reasons that you believe that you will succeed in this field? I appreciate any and all responses.