Topics About 'Pediatrics'.

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Found 16 results

  1. Gina Vaughan BSN RN

    Antibiotics in Children

    Antibiotics are the number one prescribed class of medication for children in the U.S., and they have transformed healthcare since their inception. They have saved countless lives, but their use has led to a threat to public health. There are global ...
  2. I know how much COVID affected shortages in med surg, ICUs, and skilled nursing facilities, but I am wracking my brain as to why there is a shortage of nurses that work with pediatric patients. I know many pediatric patients did get sick with CO...
  3. Little Anna - Child Abuse

    We had just backed into the station and set the airbrake after running our fourth "sick person" to the hospital since our shift started five hours ago. The pager went off again. My partner, Kevin, and I looked at each other, rolled our eyes, and said...
  4. While the practice of medicine itself has been present throughout essentially all of human history, it is only within the last century that the specialty of critical care has been cultivated. Increasing medical advancement has brought with it more op...
  5. Brave Little Soldier Boy

    That I wasn't sure I would be able to, that I really didn't want to ever be in that situation. I got the job and was told that if we got any kids I probably wouldn't have to take care of them. We don't get many children on our services. It wasn't lon...
  6. Pediatric patients are the largest population served in emergency rooms across the U.S.. In 2015, there were 30 million pediatric ER visits. Ideally, your child will never need emergency care, but if they do, here are 5 helpful tips to make your ER v...
  7. My Sweet Daughter's Smile

    Let me start by saying that I am a Nurse and my husband is a Physician and neither one of us go anywhere near Pediatric patients in our professions. We don't even pretend to know what's up with that portion of the medical world's population. Since th...
  8. It is no secret that infants love to be held. They have been snuggled close within the quiet womb for many months. The outside world is a startling and unfamiliar abyss of air. Infants do not want to be alone, untouched. Often time, we as nurses can ...
  9. Have you had any experience with this in your hospital? What was the patient outcome? Read in its entirety: Children Are Falling Ill With a Baffling Ailment Related to Covid-19
  10. An Angel's Gaze

    My chariot charges forward with an incommunicable urgency, pushed onward by my attendant. I finally arrive at the anticipated destination. As the quiet buzzer reveals my arrival; the steel doors swing open to allow my chariot to pass. Hushed chaos wa...
  11. Issues w/ peds admin covid vaccine

    Has anyone had any issues w/ getting the full 10 doses out of a the Pfizer vaccine for ages 5-11??
  12. Shifting in my rocking chair sent my Med-Surg book to the floor. I send a silent prayer that my ten year old was still asleep. She was. Many times I have thought of placing a small desk in her room for nights that require me to sit up with her. I am ...
  13. I love working with adolescent patients. Somehow, I see myself in several of them, being rebellious because mom won't allow me to sleep over at a friend's house, or being depressed for low grades. They all have different reasons and stories to tell, ...
  14. Technology can be a wonderful thing. It allows us to have a wealth of information at our fingertips and has made many tasks easier. But how much screen time is really okay for kids, and what happens if they are getting too much? Many children 8...
  15. Sometimes You Just Don't See It Coming

    I remember going to the Peds floor, to meet my new little patient. My first look at the tiny little one will be forever in my mind. She was so small, and my heart melted when I looked into those beautiful dark eyes. Her mother came into the room and ...
  16. Want to transition to Pediatrics

    Hi everyone, I have been in the adult ED for close to 2 years now and want to do Pediatrics as it always has been my passion. But with an adult background, it's tough to get a job in Peds at any hospital, which is a fast pace environment I want ...