Topics About 'Ob Gyn Nursing'.

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Found 22 results

  1. First Night Duty in Labor Room

    After finishing student life in nursing, this was my first duty in labor room by myself. Because of the very limited staffs in the hospital, they used to schedule a maximum of two staffs at night, and that night I was alone because the other staff wa...
  2. Angels Exist in Nurses

    I can not forget one staff nurse, whom I think of as a terror one, but created the most impact in my life and practice as a nurse... I really don't like this certain staff nurse, who is at her mid 40's perhaps. She really looks stern and she always s...
  3. A Very Special Bond

    I was only 21 years old when I started my nursing career. I love babies. They have a very special place in my heart. I specialized in Maternal and Newborn Nursing. I have delivered and assisted more than 2000 babies for my nine years and a half year ...
  4. TheCommuter

    Uterine Fibroid Embolization

    Uterine leiomyomas, more commonly known as fibroid tumors, are noncancerous growths of the smooth muscle of the uterus. The most common tumor found in the female reproductive system, uterine fibroids are seen in 20-25% of all women and are estimated ...
  5. There are, according to Dr. Celeste Phillips, 10 principles upon which FCMC is based: Pregnancy and childbirth as normal and healthy processesPersonalized prenatal careComprehensive perinatal education, with active input from the familyHealthcare pro...
  6. Without another thought, I was thrown into the mix. Deliveries, I had help with but the normal day to day stuff I quickly learned on my own. In those days we not only did OB but we had a floor full of "clean surgical" cases that we were responsible f...
  7. Elvish

    When the Mother Is in Prison

    Prisoners get a very short hospital stay - for a normal vaginal delivery, the woman goes back to the prison the next day, most often in under 24 hours. For a Cesarean delivery, the woman goes back to the prison infirmary on post-op day two. This tran...
  8. A Life for a Life

    For nine months she carried him in her uterus. Made sure she gets enough sleep and was able to take her iron pills and milk regularly as advised by her Obstetrician. She read him books and let him hear classical music on her iPod because she believes...
  9. Keeping women healthy during pregnancy and childbirth is critical not only to the health of the baby but also for the woman's lifelong health. Complications sustained during childbirth, including complications of cesarean birth, can negatively impact...
  10. I Don't Remember His Name

    A feeling of dread consumed me as I walked to room 418. I took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door before quietly stepping into the patient's room. There, laying in the middle of the bed was a young African American woman. Besides the swell...
  11. She received approval from her boss to leave work early. She didn't feel well enough to drive, so one of her co-workers gave her a ride home. During the ride, the abdominal pain and waves of nausea continued to grow in intensity. As her co-worker cha...
  12. The Delivery

    Or not. Many years ago, I was a labor and delivery RN at a county medical hospital, serving a large population. The hospital only had 3 delivery rooms with one delivery room, that all the nurses hated; it was small and around the corner; kind of hard...
  13. TheCommuter

    Vaginismus: A Quiet Storm

    Vaginismus is a medical term that refers to involuntary vaginal tightness when any type of penetration is attempted. The condition may render all forms of penetration impossible or extremely painful, including the insertion of tampons, sexual interco...
  14. The Male Dr Nurse

    The dreadful day came, I can still imagine that very moment when our instructor announced my name being listed as one of those who will have their duty inside the delivery room. "Mr. Stuart, you'll be reporting this Thursday at the delivery room. Ms....
  15. Most people who know me from this site know that in addition to being a practicing nurse and graduate student, I'm also a new dad. For the entirety of my wife's pregnancy, I read everything I could get my hands on about babies and fatherhood and my f...
  16. The Inside Culture

    It's now a decade and he is past gone, my inside is that I should care for other insides. I prefer to live with what he used to tell me, "Son the inside matters." I don't want to imagine how two races from that far could meet and produce me... I thin...
  17. A Break in Her Cycle

    "Before we start to worry, let's talk", I reply then query about her menstrual history: Last menses 7 weeks agoFirst menses - age 13Irregular 28-39 day cycle5-day menses - moderate flow"missed" menses twice a yearAnd take her sexual history: Single l...
  18. Elvish

    Postpartum Mood Disorders

    Postpartum depression, anxiety, and psychosis are mood disorders that affect approximately 10-20% of new moms. Most moms can expect to experience some 'baby blues' symptoms in the first week or two postpartum - crying over anything (and nothing), som...
  19. madwife2002

    OB/GYN Nursing

    An OB/GYN staff nurse is a registered nurse who provides direct care to women. OB-GYN nurses may work in hospital labor and delivery and post-partum units, as well as at birthing centers and maternity or outpatient clinics. Their duties include admit...
  20. Before I go too far into this article, and risk being stoned to death by the maternal-child nurses, lactation consultants, and midwives out there, I would like to make a few critical points. I'm not against breastfeeding.I absolutely believe that bre...
  21. The challenges are numerous. To begin with, the woman is facing something that is (in most cases) completely unexpected. They are trying to cope emotionally with an unexpected pregnancy complication - it's a pretty fair assumption to make that most w...
  22. Our Littlest Patient

    In my past, that news would not be considered nerve-wracking. This time my adrenaline was pumping as I jumped into the shower. I work in a small rural hospital, on the border of Canada, and we don't have those kinds of deliveries here very often. In ...