Topics About 'Nurse Entrepreneurs'.

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Found 20 results

  1. The better question to ask first is, "What the heck is a podcast?" The garden variety dictionary definition: It's an on-the-go recording that you can listen to at your leisure, on your own time, when...
  2. I field a lot of questions from nurses about how to break into freelance writing. I always enjoy interacting with my fellow nurses and helping them get started in a new career as a writer. I thought...
  3. My Nurse Writer Journey

    On June 11, 2012, my entire life changed. Up until that point, I had been pushing hard and working constantly. I was working full time as a nurse and quickly burning out. I was also pursuing my...
  4. About NNBAThe National Nurses in Business Association (NNBA) is dedicated to supporting, advancing and promoting Nurses in Business, Nurse Entrepreneurs, and Intrapreneurs. Since 1985, thousands of...
  5. Tim Raderstorf RN, MSN Masters prepared nurse, Chief Innovation Officer at Ohio State University College of Nursing, Speaker, inventor, entrepreneur, consultant........say what???!!! These are just...
  6. I'm scared! I am thinking about starting a business! I am a future nursing entrepreneur...I think? When I think of entrepreneurs, I am reminded of three characters in the Wizard of Oz. The scarecrow,...
  7. After my high school graduation in 1983, I got married to my high school sweetheart and we moved from Florida to Clarksville, TN. He was in the Army and that is where we were stationed and where we...
  8. is THE social media site for nurses. With over 1,000,000 members there is a wide variety of nurses and students. So ... what does it take to grab our members' attention? These are some...
  9. What should you blog about? Hopefully you are passionate about "something." Maybe its your nursing job caring for the elderly - write about the funny things they discuss, the way life was when they...
  10. Tools for the Freelance Writer

    ConnectIf there's a new avenue you'd like to try in your career, chances are someone is out there doing it already - and well. Find them and learn from their experience. Despite my original hesitancy...
  11. This may be one of the coolest and most challenging innovator articles I have written yet! I want to make sure I give justice to this awesome group of nurses who came together with interest in one...
  12. In the PACU, my day started early with a 7:00am report time. By the time my shift ended at 7:00pm, I'd spent most of the day clamoring to be heard above the high ambient noise levels of the cavernous...
  13. Ersilia Pompilio RN, MSN, PNPStoryteller, Educator, Producer, Nurse, and Super Cool Lady! I can't wait to introduce Ersilia Pompilio to everyone at allnurses! As her subtitle reads, she is a nurse...
  14. Persons who regularly engage in creative writing, whether it involves simple memoranda, formal business reports, articles, short stories, novels, or dramatic works, supposedly possess the requisite...
  15. When I talk about freelance writing, I'm talking about making a living as a writer. I'm not talking about writing fiction or poetry. It's tough to make a living at those. I like to break down the...
  16. AllNurses Innovator Hub #1 My Writing Path from Personal Journaling to Textbook Author (or How I Got Started in Writing as a Nurse) For me, writing has always been a safe way to reflect on things that...
  17. It is an exciting time to be a nurse! There are so many options for today's nurse and one area that is growing is nurses interested in becoming business owners. What is creating this need for Plan...
  18. allnurses now encourages nursing innovators to share their website with our community. We believe that sharing all things nursing can elevate the nursing profession. This includes bloggers, authors,...
  19. I've always enjoyed writing. I love words. Last summer I was home from work, laid up with a back injury. One morning while on Twitter, a Twitter friend of mine (and nurse blogger) asked, "Beth, when...
  20. Life has a funny way of changing our plans, doesn't it? You made it through nursing school, have a great nursing position, and care for others on a regular basis. Maybe you've even made plans to...