Topics About 'New Grad'.

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  1. Hi everyone, I’m a new grad of about a year and a half, working as a floor nurse. Since I’ve started I’ve been repeatedly messing up. I’ve never harmed a patient, however, I’ve made 4 med errors now (some of which were purely my fault such as mi...
  2. New Grad - Pregnant New Job

    I am a new grad nurse & I recently accepted my dream job as a L&D nurse. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant & did not disclose during my interview, plus a lot of peopleI asked told me I should not disclose in my interview due to possible di...
  3. Hello everyone! I just graduated nursing school about 3 weeks ago. Think I have a pretty good chance at landing a position as an operating room nurse. I had the opportunity to observe a fee surgeries while in nursing school and I got the impression t...
  4. Dear Nurse Beth, I am a new Grad RN (graduated in September) and have finally had some luck with jobs after months of applying! I just got a verbal offer from a pediatric hospital, but I ALSO just did a video interview for a different hospital that i...
  5. Dear Nurse Beth, I accepted a job that is on the other side of the country in a small town and having been working at that job for 3 months as a new grad and will be off orientation next month. I signed a 2 year contract that had a bonus. I like my j...
  6. kessadawn

    New Grads in PICU

    How does your PICU handle new grads? Do you hire them at all? If so, do they get a different type of orientation than the new hire with experience? Our PICU has grown in size and acuity over the last few years, and we are hiring a ton of nurses right...
  7. New Grad Working Two Jobs

    I’m currently in a nurse residency program and this is my fifth month as a nurse. I was considering working a part time job somewhere else because: I need a car I want to get more experience to get prepared to be in ICU by next year Spr...
  8. Hi all! I am currently in my second year of nursing school, and I love it so far. However, I can't help but feel like I am not getting the experience/exposure that I need. I'm a PCA at a children's behavioral facility and I work in the psychiatr...
  9. marie_macmillan

    How Not to be the New Grad Everyone Hates

    New nurses will appreciate these methods to help minimize the eye-rolling and engender trust in veteran colleagues who have forgotten what it was like to be new, clueless, and sometimes downright terrified. I learned to swim at a local city pool...
  10. I am a new grad LPN working on a med/surg floor. I put my notice in to stop working at the end of this month because we are military and got orders to move overseas. Anyways, I was still on orientation when I told my manager about my plan to leave. O...
  11. I am new here and have been reading a lot of posts. Can't really find one that is recent relating to my situation so here I am. I graduated 10 years ago and practiced very briefly (6 months), then had to move to a different country that I couldn't pr...
  12. _Cecilia_

    New Grad RN Resume Advice Needed!

    Hello! I am planning to apply for jobs very soon; however, I would highly appreciate any questions, comments or concerns regarding my resume. Smallest font is 10 pt, and it is one page. Thank you for taking your time to review it!
  13. Thank-you Son

    Son, We made it! I know that there are going to be people that try to correct me on that statement, "We" didn't do it..., "I" did it. They are wrong. I'm just talking to you right now little guy. Don't pay attention to the other people here. I know t...
  14. Dear Nurse Beth, I am 57 years old and considered a new RN. I graduated last year and I'm currently working as a school substitute nurse, which is not very often. The reason I got this substitute RN position it's because I was a educator for 12 years...
  15. Supporting New Nurses in Their First Year

    For newly minted nurses, the first year of independent practice can be nerve-wracking and overwhelming. New nurses are suddenly responsible for patient safety and well-being while being without a clinical instructor or preceptor present to check thei...
  16. I am a new graduate NP who just passed my boards 2 weeks ago. I have been applying to jobs since I graduated about 2 months ago. I had only applied to jobs within my home state (probably close to 75 NP jobs), which got me NOWHERE. Seriously, not even...
  17. Nurses have ups and downs during their shifts, many times feeling the downs outweigh the ups. Isn't it great to be recognized for our successes - no matter how small? Share your feel good (or bad) moments...
  18. You spent years pulling all night study sessions, learning the miracles of the human body and overcoming your shock reflex. Passing the NCLEX was a great day in your professional life, but your first day on the job can make it seem like you might hav...
  19. Let go from orientation

    I'm a new grad RN and was let go 1 week before my orientation was up. I'm devastated as I have 2 small children to support. Luckily, they are giving me 2 weeks pay to look for a job. Should I use this job on my employment history when looking for a n...
  20. I graduated May 2011 with an associate RN degree from a school with a good reputation. I graduated with honors and did well in clinicals and had always been given positive feedback. I finally got my first bedside nursing opportunity with a hospital t...
  21. Dear Nurse Beth, I'm a new grad nurse who took the first job offer I received. At the time there was hesitancy on my part to take it because of a gut feeling. I ended up talking with other nurses, friends and family all who said to take it becau...
  22. Hi All, I'm a new nurse in my late 30s. I graduated from a 1 year accelerated BSN nursing program, after a corporate career in another field. Before school it was a goal to get into outpatient preventative or private practice medicine. I did well in ...
  23. RN Shift Report Sheets - New Grad

    Hello there! I just graduated nursing school this past month. I got a job in the SICU at a hospital in Pittsburgh. In school I always made my own report sheets to organize my assessment findings, med times, iv, labs, etc. I have some ideas on what I ...
  24. In May of 2022, I, along with numerous nursing students, walked across a graduation stage, signifying the end of being a nursing student and the beginning of (finally) being a nurse. Then, when I saw the RN license status go from pending to active si...
  25. Messing Up As A New Nurse

    How to deal with mistakes? I was told to give MOM to a resident to get a faster stool sample, although I knew they had a BM the day before. MOM is mainly used for our facility protocol if no BM in X days. I just listened to the nurse, because I figur...