Topics About 'Love Nursing'.

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Found 6 results

  1. Nurse - The hardest job you will ever love!
  2. Joe V

    I'm a NURSE!

    When you became a Nurse, it was indeed a monumental day, wasn't it? All the years in school, then passing your licensing boards ... it doesn't matter how long ago it was, you still remember the profound feeling of accomplishment. Do you remember that...
  3. CoMoNurse

    My Life as a Nurse

    Through the YearsForty years, how can that be? Today it hit me on my commute into work, punched me right in the gut...forty years. I started out as a still wet-behind-the-ears nurse ready to take on the world one (or twelve) patients at a time. I wou...
  4. JBMmom

    Memorable Firsts

    Our careers are often impacted by single events, especially first experiences. I think sometimes we dwell on negatives, like med errors or negative outcomes with patients, and those can be very impactful, but we also have positive first experiences t...
  5. Becoming a Nurse the Hard Way

    My interest started at the age of 13 when my mother dropped me at the local ambulance station, gave me a pen and notebook and told me to go inside. I became a St John Ambulance Cadet that night and learned how to stop a bleed with pressure and elevat...
  6. Hello. I am a 2nd year respiratory therapy student who is thinking of starting back into the RN program and finish becoming an RN this Summer. I was curious to see what you enjoy the most and the least about being a nurse. If you could do it over aga...