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Found 10 results

  1. FranEMTnurse


    A nurse named Florence Nightengale, worked in a hospital where tuberculosis ran rampant. Nothing the medical professionals did solved the excalating number of deaths, until Florence Nightengale thought; "Nothing else is working, so I'm going to open ...
  2. Driven

    I believe all nurses are made through knowledge and experience, but people are born with the personality to care, love, and nurture. Those are many of the qualities a nurse carries and it takes someone special to become a nurse. A nurse is someone wh...
  3. UM Review RN

    Lest We Forget

    Later in the shift, I had to discharge a patient who was very difficult to care for. The patient was very demanding, very miserable and made sure that we all knew it. The family was worse if that was possible. When I did the discharge for that patien...
  4. shannonFNP

    One Man

    I was one in a crowded room of the receiving team of nurses that lifted this man: a father, a grandfather off the golden Stryker that carried him from this fateful father's day into the emergency room. He was still dressed to fit the occasion: a polo...
  5. Mommy Will Be There

    I was in the first grade when I had to get my tonsils out. I was probably six or seven. My mom was an evening shift worker and when I went to sleep she was there but once I awoke, she was gone. I was crying and this nurse (I use the term loosely, she...
  6. They Call Me The Swamp Nurse

    My experience in pediatrics and school nursing, camp nursing and The prison helped me to obtain this position. I am an LPN since 1996 and have been accepted for the RN program in the fall. I look forward to learning many new things in school, but I r...
  7. I'll never forget the night I first became aware of the utter disregard some members of the general public have for nurses and ancillary staff. It was also to be the first of many times that I've fought back. I was fresh out of school, working gravey...
  8. After seventeen years in health care, I've come to the conclusion that nurses are the baggage handlers of the industry: we move folks here and there, we make sure the manifest is correct and the right passengers' suitcases are on the right airplane, ...
  9. Midas' Touch daughter had a hard time enunciating that word word that touches a heart, tries a tear, gives a lump in the throat. As we walked from the school bus towards home, she asked, "Mom, how's work?" "Oh, it's not that good, I...
  10. UM Review RN

    Just One Person

    My feet started aching just thinking about it. Here at the nurse's station, the telemonitors were blocked by people trying to pick up their assignments. I decided to get the report first, then come back to see what my patients' heart rates and rhythm...