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Found 30 results

  1. VivaLasViejas

    Too Little, Too Late.....Too Bad which case, please share your insight with me so that I can stop feeling like I'm the only person on earth who's madder than a wet cat and has absolutely no place to direct the anger, because it's not really anybody's fault. I've always bee...
  2. Nurse Beth

    Maria Wants to Be a Burn Nurse

    Maria had suffered serious full-body burns in a horrific accident as a young child. For years, she was in and out of hospitals having surgery after surgery. Her childhood was marked by having surgery or recovering from surgery or waiting to have the ...
  3. VivaLasViejas

    Used Nurse: Part Deux

    Three fulltime nurses and a medication aide who once held secure jobs, now stand figuratively on the trapdoor of the gallows, shaking our heads in astonishment at finding ourselves here and wondering how the hell we're going to get out of this predic...
  4. The answer: the healthcare bubble. What it is and how to survive the "pop." Is there a healthcare bubble? The experts waffle, but facts are facts; between 1999 and 2011, government spending on healthcare increased 240 percent while GDP increased 62 p...
  5. Mamma said there'd be days like this.......what she DIDN'T say was that there'd be so durned many of them. Of all the things in life that I hate the most, interviewing has got to be right up there near the top of the list. I loathe interviews. One re...
  6. Confessions of a 30-Something RN Grad

    First question, okay, 50/50.....A or C..... hmmm...A.... "next".....2nd question.....what? What are they asking? These are all right, and there are no indicators in the question showing priority. Can I ask them "is this patient stable?" "how old are ...
  7. madwife2002

    Got No Job? Come be an RN !

    I am fed up with hearing about people seeing nursing as a quick route to money it is so much more and it offends me that nursing is used as a short cut to being employed. We should have stricter entry rules and by this I mean more screening to make s...
  8. Nursing and Career Changes

    Isn't it known that the only constant we can count on in life is change? With over three decades of nursing experience, choosing one point of my career to discuss where I have changed my focus is difficult as there have been many. My professional car...
  9. Bridgid Joseph

    Get the Job Before Your Interview Starts!

    For most people, the worst part of thinking about changing positions, or getting a new job, is the interview process. Maybe you are someone who gets nervous and sweats, shakes, or just can't focus on the questions being asked, which makes the intervi...
  10. Same shinola, different day: I received twin rejections between breakfast and lunch today. One was from the hospice where I'd aced two interviews, only to lose out to someone who lives closer, and the other from the local hospice where I'd really, re...
  11. New Grad Job Market: A Game of Chance

    It's no longer about whether you qualify for the job or not, or if you have more education and experience than the next person. Nowadays everyone passes NCLEX, everyone graduates with a 4.0, everyone has CNA experience, and yet still many spent month...
  12. When the economy started to slump after the financial meltdown in the U.S. several years ago, masses of displaced workers suddenly began to view nursing as a safe haven. The nursing profession has been a magnet for many unemployed people heading back...
  13. Needless to say, I was shocked that I could not find a hospital position. I feel it is now time to move on from my position as a school nurse, which I do enjoy. However, I no longer feel challenged and I also feel like I missed out on the "hospital ...
  14. Rejecting the Transplant

    I pulled into the parking lot and see the signs. NURSING JOB FAIR HERE TODAY! I know my future is held within these walls. I gather my resumes and letters of reference, so carefully bundled together for that professional look and head into the buildi...
  15. Well, congratulations! You made it through your first interview with the clicky - heeled - human - resources specialist. Now, you are about to be escorted (or not ) to visit the unit to which you have applied. On top of this fireball of excitement, y...
  16. Nursing Job Cover Letter

    Nurses' job is to take care of the patient, help the doctors keep a track of the history of the patient, administer medicines time to time, etc.The duties and responsibilities of a nurse depends from clinic to clinic. In hospitals the job description...
  17. Like many on this board I went to RN school hoping to improve my life both personally and financially. Like many I have prior student loans that have gone into and out of default and I was hoping finally getting my RN would help me to finally meet al...
  18. Brenda F. Johnson

    Don't Let Nursing Job Resumes Intimidate You

    Your resume is like a snapshot; the person reading it will form an opinion from what they see. It is your first opportunity to impress a potential boss, so it should be taken seriously. It is my hope that this article will give you constructive point...
  19. TheCommuter

    Is Your Name Important?

    For starters, I will reveal that I am an African-American female with a very common anglicized first and last name. I am also friendly with a small handful of nurse managers, staff development personnel, and others who have at least some responsibili...
  20. Hey guys! This website has been so great to me over the years that, once I passed boards (which I did today officially - hurray!) and got a job (which I got a month before I graduated) I would put together a posting on how to best get a job in this e...
  21. I don't have any hospital experience except for a volunteer position which I was actually paid workstudy for because my university is part of the hospital. I have revised my resume and cover letter countless times in the last 8 months and I decided t...
  22. Hello. My name is Marla and I'm an unemployed nurse. There, I said it. Now's the time when everyone's supposed to shout "HI, MARLA!" and applaud. Oh, wait---that was AA, circa 1992. Oops. *blushes* I've talked about this revolting development here on...
  23. Six Resume Tips for Nurses

    Despite the nursing shortage, some regions are experiencing a great deal of competition for nursing spots, particularly for new grads. It can be frustrating to send your resume around and not get any response when you've heard nothing except that nur...
  24. How to Survive the Job Search

    The search for my first nursing job was hands down the most brutal, draining, demoralizing period of my life. After all the hard work of getting through school, with all the hopes and dreams that sustained me all those years, I was just not prepared ...
  25. While wandering the internet tonight, found an interesting article at ANA's career center: The National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) also has advice regarding the realities of the current job market and career planning. So h...