Topics About 'Diagnosis'.

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Found 54 results

  1. Hi, I am in my 2nd semester of nursing school and I am writing a paper on Iron Deficiency Anemia with a partner. In the paper, we have to include two developed care plans for a client with IDA. One of our care plans will be using NANDA diagnosis: Imb...
  2. Chronic Renal Failure-Nursing Diagnosis

    Hello. This is going to be my 6 week of nursing school and I'm having a hard time to decide if this nursing diagnosis could be applied or not. The patient is a lady in her 60's with CRF/Hyperkalemia, anemia, and is obese. I was thinking I could use I...
  3. Help with nursing diagnosis!!

    I have a pt that was admitted for renal failure. He is a diabetic and just recently had his RT great toe amputated.. Can anyone help me with prioritizing nursing diagnosis!! I am not sure what diagnosis would be the most important. Thanks!!
  4. I am 2 months into LPN school and so far all my patients are bound to the bed and maybe in a gerichair 2 hours out of the day. They all have 1 thing in common body contractures. Whether it be hand, arm, and legs. It's very challenging to provide ca...
  5. Need Help With Dreaded Care Plan

    Anyway I would like to choose the top three but I am unsure if ineffective airway clearance is correct or if it is risk for ineffective airway clearance. The reason I am not sure is that even though she is hypoxic and has a cough, the cough is produc...
  6. Nursing Care Plans/Diagnosis

    I am working on now my ageing process paper and I cannot find the proper nursing diagnosis for Anxiety with financial issues, I am working with a group on this paper and this is the Nanda project I was given. The scenario is the patient is 99 yrs old...
  7. Our hospital says we are required Implement a problem list for each patient using nanda nursing diagnoses because it meets jcaho requirements. I am supposed to be teaching this to our floor but want to know- what jcaho standard requires this? And why...
  8. Nursing Diagnosis Please Help

    I am having trouble coming up with 2 potential nursing diagnosis for one of my patients. He does not have a diagnosis and was admitted to the hospital for headache and ear pain. Both of his eyes were red and sensitive to light. They ruled out pink ey...
  9. Can somebody help me please? I am having a hard time to decide what would be my nursing diagnosis for my client. Her chief complaint is palpitation, and based on her lab results, she had low potassium. So, what would be the best nursing diagnosis you...
  10. So because we have to have a nursing diagnosis with a related to factor out of our book and an AS MANIFESTED BY set up this is getting pretty difficult. my case study pt had nothing wrong with her except she was having contractions.. she was 33 weeks...
  11. Nursing Diagnosis

    hello i'm in nursing school right now on my last rotation and i have to finish my last nursing care plan and i'm having trouble finding 5 nursing diagnosis for my psych patient. Here is a brief description of her: she is diagnosed with bipolar disord...
  12. Nursing Diagnosis

    As a nursing student I really don't understand nursing diagnosis. Patients have a medical diagnosis already why must nurses create another one and usually something so silly it is phrased in such a way that a normal person would not speak in such ter...
  13. Nursing Diagnosis

    Hey all , I'm a Rn but still in university it's my second year i have took physical assessment class, introduction for nursing , physiology , chemistry , biology , anatomy, physical assessment lap , this semester i will take fundamental of nursing c...
  14. metabolic acidosis question!!

    Hi Guys If the patient is having a gastritis? is this metabolic acidosis? and if the patient is having pulmonary embolism? is that respiratory acidosis? Metabolic experts Please help me to understand this concept! :)
  15. Nursing Diagnosis Help

    I have a case study that I'm writing a nursing diagnosis for and I need help finding what my problem would be secondary to. The case study is this: The patient has a history of colon cancer and had a colectomy performed and creation of a colostomy 2 ...
  16. Nursing Diagnosis?

    Im in a LPN program and im having trouble with writing out a nursing diagnosis. Im having trouble with the related to far i have acute pain r/t anxiety and unfamiliar environment aeb..... im not sure if i can use that as the related to part...
  17. Confused: Nursing Diagnosis

    I'm really lost in prioritizing the nursing diagnosis for the following patient. He is 41yrs admitting dx chest pain rule out MI his bp 118/68, RR- 18 bpm chest pain since 3 days pain 7/10 Pt states: "my chest hurts", "I feel I can't breathe properly...
  18. Help Choosing a Nursing Diagnosis.

    just for reference (I don't think I need the whole thing broken down for me, I have to do the work myself or I'll never learn anything, I just need help with the diagnosis part), here is the scenario I have been given. I have no other info than this....
  19. Nursing diagnosis

    How can something so simple give me such blues??? Can someone please help me; Not give me the answer but point me in the correct direction. So my case study is an 83 yr old male diagnosed with kidney failure and has been admitted for renal dialysis....
  20. cjcsoon2bnp

    Nursing Diagnosis/Care Plan Help

    Hey everyone. I have been trying to figure this out for hours now and after consulting with my nursing professor and running through care plan books I am pretty much at the same place I started at and I'm at wits end. Basically here is my situation.....
  21. Guys, Hello, I'm completely confused on what we need to do about our nursing diagnosis. See, we have a thesis wherein, as student nurses, we're required to defend our case. Medical Diagnosis: Pneumonia with consolidation This is the pr...
  22. Wasn't sure with my r/ts.. are these correct? 1)Elevated body temperature related to immune response activation secondary to dengue infection as evidenced by a temperature of 38.9C, flushed skin and warm to touch 2) Acute pain related...
  23. Can someone please help, are the following nursing diagonosis r/t to malnutrition: Muscle weakness r/t to insufficient nutritional intake Risk for ineffective breathing pattern r/t to decreased energy Risk for constipation r/t insuf...
  24. Does my nursing diagnosis make sense?

    My patient is an older woman who fell while grocery shopping and broke her right hip. She had a right hip replacement. It's 2 days post op and her right pedal pulse is absent, however left one is present. She has edema in right foot and her dressing ...