Topics About 'Cizik'.

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Found 9 results

  1. The University of Texas Health Science Center (UT Health) at Houston, established in 1972, is a public institution and Houston's leading health university. After receiving a $25 million landmark gift from Jane and Robert Cizik, the School of Nur...
  2. Anyone in the BSN-DNP PMHNP program for Fall 2019? Let us share our opinions and ask questions.
  3. UTHealth Cizik Summer 2021 - BSN

    Hello everyone! I've been looking around for a UTH - Pacesetter BSN forum for Summer 2021; haven't found one so I'm going to start one here! This forum is for anyone applying for or just curious about the Summer 2021 application cycle (deadline...
  4. Hey everyone: I am back again! I got denied for Fall 2019, so I am reapplying in hopes I get in this time around. I would prefer to get my BSN out of the way, but I am also applying to community colleges. This go 'round, I am applying to TWU, Wharto...
  5. Hey everyone! I couldn't find a forum for this application cycle, so I thought I'd go ahead and start one. How is everyone preparing for the HESI? Or if you've taken it already feel free to share your stats if you're comfortable with that. Also, anyb...
  6. I thought I'd start this feed now. I applied in January. I know I'm early but I'm not much of a procrastinator. I just retook my Hesi and got a 89.2.. I feel I need to take it over but, some people are saying they don't even know UT's selection proc...
  7. Hi everyone! I found this forum last night and figured I would create this for anyone who wants to discuss the pacesetter program for Spring 2021. The application deadline will be here before we know it! I will be taking courses at San Jac this Summe...
  8. Anyone else applying for the Spring?
  9. Hey everyone?! Just wanted to start a forum to see if there are any other nursing student applicants for the Fall semester? I just applied, although, I know I will not get a response until beginning of April. I was so excited since I just finished m...