Topics About 'Changing Career'.

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Found 21 results

  1. Hello, first time posting here. I’ve been considering changing my major from nutrition & dietetics to nursing. My original goal was to become a Registered Dietician but in my last semester at my CC. I started to take an interest in nursing. The p...
  2. Hi Everyone! I am starting nursing school in September and I am switching careers from civil engineering to nursing. I have received alot of negative comments from people telling me that I'm "stepping down". I think the complete opposite. I am lea...
  3. Changing careerS

    I am currently a MSW,LCSW seeking to switch to nursing. I am going to enroll in the CNA program hopefully in the fall as it is required before enrolling in the nursing program in many NC colleges, if some that don't require exist please do tell. On...
  4. Changing careers

    Hello everyone! I have been a veterinary technician for about 11 years now. I've worked at both small animal practices as well as specialty hospitals. Although it has been a fun and rewarding experience, I am moving on to become an RN. When I was in ...
  5. Am I too old to change career?

    Hello, I recently got a LOW letter at work (an accountant) and i have tried to get another job for two months now, but all in vain. I have a bachelor degree and MBA. I am thinking about going for accelerated program in Nursing and I am 41. I have kid...
  6. Considering changing careers

    Hello, I am a 27 year old single mom to a 6 year old son. I have been in the banking/accounting field for over 6 years now. I am seriously considering switching careers to nursing. I do not have any degrees. I have about 70 college credits, mostly bu...
  7. What would you do?

    I feel like I am stuck in between a rock and a hard place and I am not really sure what to do. I am a 28 year old male, a retail manager and I make about 80K a year. I am really big on Finance and the FIRE (Financial Independence retire early) Moveme...
  8. Hello Nurse Beth, I have been out of school for a while and am returning with the intent to aspire bachelors in nursing... I have an associates in biology, and no prior knowledge of nursing or its prerequisites. So now I'm hearing about TEAS test, an...
  9. Changing careers

    Hi everyone, new here. I am debating going into a Medical Assisting program. I am now in the legal field as an administrative assistant, have been for a very long time but I have always been intrigued by the medical field. I enjoy helping people,...
  10. I'm preparing to resign from my six figure job on Thursday. Im a pharmaceutical sales rep that is just totally burned out on the job. I've always wanted to be a nurse and am finally about to take the leap of faith. Im applying to accelerated BSN p...
  11. Changing career. Pharm Tech to RN

    Hi, I have question to ask for people who just got into Nursing program. I am currently a Pharmacy Tech at the private sterile compounding pharmacy. I enjoy the job just tiring most of the time because of the heavy work load and the pay is very low....
  12. Hi - strongly considering a career change into nursing. I am in my early 30’s. Looking around on here it sounds like the 1st year after graduation can really destroy people. Even those who did well in school and interviewed well. When I put my mind t...
  13. I have recently decided to change careers and just received an EMT-B certification. I am new to healthcare and want to gain experience before I start nursing school. I am trying to decide between a couple offers, any advise would be great! EMT with ...
  14. Hello everyone, Can I please get honest advice from current RNs, please? My name is Daniel and I will be 45 years old soon. My background is in business. I have a BS in Business with no RN prerequisite courses. I am considering a career change t...
  15. Changing careerS

    Just curious if there are any other career changers? I am a former public school science teacher who has decided to pursue my original passion, which is nursing. I kick myself all the time because I started out as pre-med, then switched to nursing,...
  16. I am currently employed in IT but hate it. I've been considering a career change. My wife is a nurse and I am 35 with two young children. There is a local tech school that has an ADN program. I already have a Bachelors in Healthcare Management from a...
  17. 31 and looking to change careers

    I currently work in the human service field and now I am looking into becoming an LPN. I reside in Brooklyn, NY and I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good LPN program within the five boroughs of NYC? Also, what is the starting salary for LPN'...
  18. Changing Careers

    This site has been a huge help to me. I am 48 yrs. old and coming out of a 19 yr. teaching career. I have enjoyed the younger ones and now I want to give some time to the older ones. I think I am leaning toward CNA and then LPN or RN. After reading a...
  19. New nurse-too old for bedside?

    Hello, I am a recent ASN grad and recently passed NCLEX. I have started applying for jobs, and have my first interview for ICU/stepdown next week. I eventually see myself in a outpatient clinic or even a school (I used to work in a school clinic ...
  20. Pursuing Nursing - Need Direction

    I have a non-nursing Bachelor's degree (and an MBA). I am 35 years old and I'm considering changing careers to Nursing. What is my best plan of attack? 1. Get a bachelor's in nursing? 2. Get a RN certification (w/out BSN)? 3. Or go for the Maste...
  21. I am at the peak of my career, making over 80k in my mid 30's. I work a 9-5 no weekends or holidays, but honestly I am starting to dislike my career. I am able to provide well for my family (2 kids) and also get other fringe benefits from my employer...