Topics About 'Career Path'.

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  1. I began my nursing career in 2020 as a night shift mother/baby nurse. LOVED caring for the babies but the patents kind of annoyed me, and I was always tired/sleepy. Left after a year and became a day shift plastic surgery OR nurse. Schedule was ...
  2. Guidance on career path please!

    I have my BSN, 1 year med/surg/tele experience and 1 year of emergency experience, floating to ICU occasionally. I want to continue to work in the ED, per diem only. I want to do online Masters program, but do not want to become a NP. Or maybe its be...
  3. FutureDrNurse

    Nurse Educator Career Path

    I am in an entry-level MSN program, recently passed the NCLEX (woohoo!), and now have nine months left until I graduate. I have realized that I am drawn toward teaching or possibly some type of coordinating position. I certainly appreciate and ...
  4. Nurse Beth

    Help, Can't Decide On Career Path

    Dear Beth, I am inspired by your QA forum. I am 37 year old RN, mom of two kids (7 year old and 1 year old). I graduated 2 years ago. I worked one year in SNF and now I am working in the hospital in PCU. As my kids grow older, I want to con...
  5. Career Path to Flight Nursing

    Hoping for some advice and guidance. I am a 25 year old nurse. I currently work on a neuro/neurosurgery/trauma floor at a level I trauma center city hospital. My career goal has always been to be a flight nurse. I also have a 4 month old boy and am h...
  6. Dear Nurse Beth, I'm in my late 30s, I have a B.S. in biology, and I'm looking at changing careers from science editing (among other things) to nursing. Currently a new CNA on a med/surg unit and living with family on the east coast. I want to b...
  7. I am sitting around feeling sorry for myself today because I have put in a tremendous amount of work, energy and money in a career that still leaves me as a bedside nurse. The current job is a long commute, long hours and I hurt so bad when I get ho...
  8. Nurses working in quality at health insurance companies add high value to the organization and to the members they serve. The number of positions available depends upon the size of the organization and various product offerings. Their responsibiliti...
  9. Hi Nurse Beth, I am currently in a hospital leadership position but I'm thinking of leaving this position to pursue a clinical career. After being in nursing administration, I'm not sure that this is the best career path for me. I'm sure many pe...
  10. Does Palliative Care Limit Career Path?

    I'm thinking about applying for a local NP residency for Palliative Care. However, I have heard from many others that you can get pigeonholed and job offers are few once you want to leave Palliative care. Is this true? Or should I apply? Honest...
  11. I am a BSN student. I am considering a career as a self-employed APRN First Assist. By self-employed, I mean an APRN FA who bills insurers for assistable cases and who is not an hourly or salary paid employee. Is this a realistic career path? I ...
  12. Dear Nurse Beth, I am from the Philippines and would like to change my career path. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and had worked in several NPOs (Non-profit Organizations) before immigrating to the US. I just got married and my h...
  13. What has been your career path?

    Hello all! I had a general question for you nurses out there. What has been your path to where you are today? With all the opportunities out there and the length of a nursing career, I am interested in hearing each person's path. I am currently a bit...