Tacoma Community College Nursing Program

U.S.A. Washington


Hi... I was just accepted into the TCC Nursing Program. Does anyone out there have any advice or information to offer? I'd appreciate hearing about the program, instructors, clinicals, etc. Thanks! Oh, one more thing... if you are aware of any specific information that would be beneficial to review prior to starting, please let me know.

Maybe someone who did not pass last quarter and needs to retake classes?

When is Fall orientation?? Will you guys keep us updated on what you learn at orientation??!!

Is there anyone that is applying for TCC's spring quarter?

Hi Everyone!

It's been a while since I last posted.... I am currently one day away from finishing 4th quarter. This has been my favorite quarter so far. I had a theory class w/John Miller who is a great instructor. Yes, he really likes technology, but it's really not a bad thing! My clinical instructor is Rich Maffeo, another excellent instructor who really cares about helping us become professional, skilled nurses. My clinical site was Madigan Army Med. Ctr. It is a teaching hospital, so there is usually a great deal of support around every corner. Medics will offer up their arms so that you can practice IVs. This quarter has been my best quarter with regard to "getting" the whole nursing process and improving my skills. I am also enrolled in a Leadership/Management class which is okay. Unfortunately, it gets a bit overshadowed by the more intense theory and clinical courses! Anyhow, I am working as a Nurse Tech at St. Joes and that is definitely beneficial. If you have the time, I recommend it - but I wouldn't stress yourself out during the quarter otherwise! Feel free to ask questions... I'll try to check the site from time to time since I haven't been getting the notices by email for some reason. Anyhow, hope this update helps a little. :nurse: Good luck to all!

You are wonderful!! Thanks for your input!! Good luck to you as you get closer and closer to finishing and becoming an awesome nurse!!

I just finished my last pre-requisites tonight (Micro/Psych) - and I am finally able to turn in my application to TCC's Spring Entry Nursing Program, Part Time option. I'm so relieved to finally be DONE!!! :yeah:

It's been great to read all the posts from TCC nursing students, whether you are sharing your wisdom as you proceed through the program, or being able to read about an applicant being accepted when I feel like my own journey is wearing me down - I can't thank you all enough for helping me to stay motivated towards my goal! I only hope that I will have some good news to share, come February 2009.

If anyone has any information/advice on TCC's part time program, I would really appreciate it. I've chosen the p/t route because I have three young children, and my husband and I are planning on beginning to homeschool my oldest (8 yr. old) in January. I know that time management and organizational skills are mandatory (we are homeschooling because the school district we live in is just abysmal, and we can't move with the housing market the way it is), but if there is anyone out there that has any additional pearls of wisdom for me, I'd appreciate those as well.

Thanks in advance for any responses


Hi everyone! I thought I would join this post to see if there was anyone applying to the Fall 2009 class. I have a BA from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. I have been working on pre-reqs for the past year. I was a journalism graduate at Temple so I had zero science courses! I have applied to some programs here on the east coast but am exploring the option of the west coast too as I have family there. From what I'm reading this program is pretty competitive. I have 4 A's and two B's in my pre-reqs and still have chemistry to take. I'm thinking that I might want to take English again to boost my GPA since I do not want to take A&P II again. Any advice?

Wow I just read almost this entire thread and I don't even go to TCC. How exciting it was to hear about ILovePeople, Fiona, and StressedOut! I have no idea who you guys are, but I'm glad you guys got in! Hope you are all having fun in nursing school. I'm done in June.. WOOHOO!! lol

P.S. TCC is for brainiacs.. I applied there once several years ago and got a rejection letter saying the average GPA of the accepted class was 3.94. ***!? 3.94!?!? Also in the letter it said something like maybe I should look into another field like respiratory therapy or something like that. That just ****** me off lol

Hi everyone, I'ts been a while since I've left any updates on how things are going. I'm finishing up third quarter now with three more weeks to go. Yea! This quarter we cover maternal child and pediatrics. We were sort of the guinney pig class since they've never done anything but have outpatient clinicals for this unit. For those of you coming into third quarter next you will have one day of labor and delivery, two days of mother /child unit and two days at Mary Bridge. The pediatrics will be mostly observational but you will be doing care plans for your patient. No meds at all. They are not used to having students take over care their, so they are pretty posessive of their patients. I totally get this, they are really sick kids.

Theory has continued to be challenging just like last quarter and many are struggling but we are all hanging in their. Pharmacology is pretty much the same as last quarter and no one really stresses about it anymore.

For the most part I kind of miss med surg and will be happy for that to begin again next quarter. I'm sick of doing C-section care plans over and over. UUHHGG!

Good luck to all you new students!

Hello AFrances24! I am applying to the Fall 2009 TCC Full-Time RN program. I too have a BA, but from WWU in Communications, Minor in English. I didn't have any sciences either and am finishing my last pre-req this quarter (micro). I am considering taking my psych 101 over as I received an A-. From the previous posts, it appears I need a 4.0 to pretty much guarentee my spot...unless all 20+ are 4.0's as well. :( I really need to attend TCC in the fall as I live in Gig Harbor and don't want to have to drive to OC for the Poulsbo program. Good Luck to you...lets keep each other posted!

Just finished the first quarter at TCC. It was a very difficult quarter although it was not as bad as my first impression. The hardest part is figuring out what needs to be done when. Using an organizer is the key to solving that problem. There are lots of small clinical experiences with each clinical requiring an essay style writeup. The tests are moderately difficult. The study guides are very helpful in doing well on the tests. Each student is assigned a mentor who is a nursing student that has already finished the quarter you are in. Ask to see his or her clinical notebook so you can see what your notebook should look like. The teachers are very helpful and fair.

Hello AFrances24! I am applying to the Fall 2009 TCC Full-Time RN program. I too have a BA, but from WWU in Communications, Minor in English. I didn't have any sciences either and am finishing my last pre-req this quarter (micro). I am considering taking my psych 101 over as I received an A-. From the previous posts, it appears I need a 4.0 to pretty much guarentee my spot...unless all 20+ are 4.0's as well. :( I really need to attend TCC in the fall as I live in Gig Harbor and don't want to have to drive to OC for the Poulsbo program. Good Luck to you...lets keep each other posted!

So did you repeat Psych? I currently have a 4.0 but am in the last term of a&p and I think it will bring my gpa down since it seems like I am going to get either a b+ or a-. Since fall is the last term they are admitting based on gpa I am really worried & kind of upset that other students are taking the class I am in for a second time to bring up their gpa!

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