Switching RN licenses from Ohio to California?

U.S.A. California


Could someone please offer me some help on how I would switch an RN license from Ohio to California? I am considering applying to a school in Ohio, but ultimately want to work in California. I'm not sure how likely it is to have a license switched, and what exactly I would need to do. I read that I would have to pay some fees, but I also read that I would need to take some kind of test. Do schools let you take the NCLEX at the state in which you'd like to practice? Thanks for any information! :)

Yes, you can go to school in one state, apply for licensure in another (as long as you meet that state's education requirements), and then actually sit for the NCLEX in any authorized testing center, to include overseas locations. Good luck in you schooling.

apply for licensure in another (as long as you meet that state's education requirements),

Thanks for your reply! :)

How would I see if my school has met the state's education requirements?

I did it. Went to school in MA and then moved to WI two days after graduation. Search the board of nursing web for the state you want your license in and see what they require.

I went to school in Ohio and took my NCLEX in CA.

Though a bit of unsolicited advice, I'd probably get a few experience in Ohio before moving to CA, and I wouldn't worry about a CA liscense until you get to that point. The job market is tough in Ohio, but it's 1,000 times tougher in CA.

Thanks for your advice! :)

I went to school in Ohio and took my NCLEX in CA.

If I wanted to work in Ohio for a year to gain experience, then would that mean that I would have to take the NCLEX in Ohio? So basically wherever you take the NCLEX is where you are licensed?

Thanks for your advice! :)

If I wanted to work in Ohio for a year to gain experience, then would that mean that I would have to take the NCLEX in Ohio? So basically wherever you take the NCLEX is where you are licensed?

Not exactly. You register with a board of nursing (the state of your choice) and take the NCLEX to get your license for that state. But you can technically take the test anywhere.

Before graduation my school had us fill out a form stating in what state we were planning to get our license. They then sent my transcripts and other pertinent information to the CA board of nursing (such as program description and requirements).

If you stay in OH to get experience, you will register with the OH board of nursing. When you decide to move to CA you will then have to apply for a CA license. But you won't have to take the NCLEX again. You basically pay a fee and fill out forms. I'm not 100% sure about the process since I haven't done it myself.

But if you haven't started school yet, I wouldn't worry about any of that just yet. Still lots of school ahead!

^Thanks for your reply, RNinC! :)

I'm still confused though (probably over-thinking this).

(Assuming that I don't want to get an Ohio RN license, and want to work in California right after school: )

I wouldn't need to get prior approval from the BON of California to verify that the Ohio school is nationally accredited? As long as the school is nationally accredited, then I could take the NCLEX and get the RN license anywhere?

If I were to get the Ohio RN license right after school, then I understand how to switch to a CA license. I'm just still confused on how to go from graduating from the Ohio school to getting the RN license in CA.

From the CA -BRN


• If you are a graduate from a U.S. school in a state other than California, transcripts are required

from all colleges and/or universities you attended that reflect courses required for a degree in

nursing, including general education course requirements and all nursing courses. Transcripts must

be received and evaluated by the Board prior to being found eligible for the examination.

• Your education must meet the requirements for California licensure. If any deficiencies are

identified, you must complete the coursework prior to being found eligible for the examination.

I told my school I wanted to take my NCLEX in CA, I printed out the request for transcripts page from the board, and my school sent the transcripts. Fortunately, I wasn't the first student from my school to do that, so the process was smooth. From my understanding, when the first student from my school applied, the school had to send them information including course descriptions and requirements, program description, and accreditation information. But it was my school that did all of that, not the student.

You might find it helpful to go to the BRN website and download a copy of the application so you can get a better understanding of necessary steps.

Board of Registered Nursing - Licensure by Examination

Thank you SO much for all of your time and help, RNinC. It's very appreciated! :)

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

California Board of Registered Nursing 1625 North Market Boulevard, Suite N-217 Sacramento, CA 95834-1924

Phone: (916) 322-3350 FAX: (916) 574-8637

Google is your friend.....http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Nursing+schools+approved+by+California

You can also call them. I would check first as there are schools within the US that California has issues with and they will not let you sit for the board nor apply by endorsement if you have attended a non approved school.

Concurrency with class and clinical is a huge issue right now.

Concurrency with class and clinical is a huge issue right now.

Do you mean that there should be a clinical portion for every class session that appears on the transcript?

Thank you for your post!

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