Published Jan 11, 2016
2 Posts
I am an LPN licensed in WV and the Ohio Board of Nursing has disciplined my license, suspending my license for a year. I was originally disciplined by WV board for failure to complete CEU's in 2011. When I applied for reinstatement of Ohio licensure in 2015 I failed to report the discipline from WV in 2011 and therefore the subsequent suspension.
I need to know how this affects my WV licensure and my ability to work.
I currently am working as a biometric screener; independently contracted through Summit Health/Quest Diagnostics. As I understand it, I am not practicing as a nurse but the job does require a nursing license or other medical training.
I have no plans to renew my Ohio license or be employed as a nurse in Ohio ever again.
Does the suspension from Ohio affect my WV license?
Thank you. I am new here.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Yes. It will. That's what Nursys is for. Contact WV BoN before they contact you.
Look at it this way OH found out about your discipline from WV. Do you really think WV isn't going to find out about your suspension from OH?
WookieeRN, BSN, MSN, RN
1,050 Posts
You need to cut WV at the pass and go to them directly about this. It will be worse for you if they find out on their own first.
I have notified the WV BON and have been told it will not affect my WV license. Thanks for your comments.
BuckyBadgerRN, ASN, RN
3,520 Posts
Then I'm confused as to why you posted. You asked if it would affect your WV license and Nippon you say it won't.
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
I am surprised by this. Make sure you documented who you spoke with regarding this so if this would happen to be untrue, you have a name of a person who gave you this information.
4,323 Posts
This is so important, and so many don't. Unfortunately, even if you do keep detailed records, whomever you communicated with can still deny it. For this reason, I always counsel those communicating with the BON to use e-mail as much as possible.