Survey for RN's 50 years old and up-part time or full time?

Nurses General Nursing


I would like to know how many RN's work full time or part time after 50. I work 36-40 hrs per week, get up at 4:15am to be there by 6AM and usually get home between 7-8pm. This is whipping my butt now. I have been a nurse for 30 yrs and all but 6 years have been full time. Cutting back to 24 hrs would be heaven. The kids are young adults with jobs still living at home. My mortgage is almost paid. Currently that's our only debt. Some opinions would be greatly appreciated. The idea of keeping up this pace makes me nauseous.

passed the fabulous 50s awhile back, but i work full time+ and it's killing me not because of the heavy physical activity but because of lack of it.

i sit on my ever-expanding butt all week and don't get out and walk. if i went to an office or something at least i'd walk as far as the parking lot and back, but this is a home-based practice and there are many consecutive days that i don't even put on shoes because i won't be stepping out of the house at all.

i know this is bad for me, but i am the sole support here.

Maybe the getting up at 4am detail is part of the problem. Ever consider different hours?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Ever thought of going into teaching nursing? Less hours physically working (more mental working) and very rewarding to help young nurses get off on the right foot.

In a couple of months, I'll be 62. I made the switch from ICU to a physician's office when I was 50. I worked for one doc, the pace was steady but not crazy. I worked 34 hours a week and I pictured myself coasting right on into retirement in that job. Unfortunately, the doctor I worked for retired so I am now working in a 5 physician gastroenterology office. We are extremely busy. It never stops from the time I go in in the morning until I leave in the evening. I work anywhere from 32-45 hours a week and it is kicking my butt !!! I come home so tired and so worn out. We get hundreds of calls a day, plus we do alot of IV treatments, shots, teaching, etc. It never stops and I barely have time to go to the bathroom and most days no lunch. There just isn't time. I hate it and I can't picture myself doing this until I retire. I don't know what I'm going to do. But each day it gets harder and harder to keep going on. I HAVE to choice. At the age of 62, I don't want to go out and start looking for another job. Not sure what I'm going to do.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

I'm 49y. I had dropped back to 72h/week, but then I became ill and now I'm unable to work. I'm waiting to hear if I qualify for Social Security Disability. It was really starting to get to me. We went to electronic charting, and I just pined for the good old days when we did paper charting, if for no other reason than it gave me an opportunity to sit down. I would come home from work and collapse. It's so hard to run, run, run from the moment you get there till the moment you leave.

I really miss nursing how it was for the first 5-6y after I graduated. We were busy, but we weren't run into the ground.

Specializes in MS, OB, PEDI, VNA, TELEM.
I'm 52, and have worked 2 12s for years. Love it. Took up teaching parttime a few years ago, and enjoy the variety. So, 2 nights a week, and one day lecturing (plus grading all those weekly lab sheets etc). I'm loving it.

Kids are all off to college, only debt is the mortgage (less than 6 years to go!) and college bills.

This sounds like something I would enjoy. I only have a year and a half left on the mortgage.

Specializes in MS, OB, PEDI, VNA, TELEM.
I'm 49y. I had dropped back to 72h/week, but then I became ill and now I'm unable to work. I'm waiting to hear if I qualify for Social Security Disability. It was really starting to get to me. We went to electronic charting, and I just pined for the good old days when we did paper charting, if for no other reason than it gave me an opportunity to sit down. I would come home from work and collapse. It's so hard to run, run, run from the moment you get there till the moment you leave.

I really miss nursing how it was for the first 5-6y after I graduated. We were busy, but we weren't run into the ground.

I push a monstrosity of a COW around for 12-14 hrs a day. My eyes feel strained from all that electronic charting. 2 12 hr shifts in a row and I'm done in, to say nothing about 3 in a row.
Specializes in MS, OB, PEDI, VNA, TELEM.
Ever thought of going into teaching nursing? Less hours physically working (more mental working) and very rewarding to help young nurses get off on the right foot.
I have an Associates Degree, so probably not.
Specializes in MS, OB, PEDI, VNA, TELEM.
Maybe the getting up at 4am detail is part of the problem. Ever consider different hours?
i should consider myself lucky it's not a night job but 4AM is the middle of the night, for me any way.
Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

I work 40 plus hours

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I have an Associates Degree, so probably not.

You could still teach a medical assistant program or a practical nursing program at a private trade school with an associates degree.

Specializes in OB/GYN/Neonatal/Office/Geriatric.
Working less than full time is not a financial option. It really doesn't matter what I can or can't do. It's a matter of what I MUST do.

I also try not to think about it too much.

I am in same boat. I have health problems and I am 51. I qualified for disabillity but I can't afford to not work.

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