Published Jan 24, 2016
5 Posts
I'm wondering how hard it is to get your license back once you surrender then on your own knowing you can't win a case against you and no money for legal backup??
55 Posts
i would suggest seeking a lawyer for such a situation. I m just confused to why someone would voluntarily give up their license. Most people work extremely hard for their licenses and would not put themselves into a situation in practice where they would just give up their license without a fight in court/justifying their actions.
Ok, so I'm asking if I surrender a license on my own in PA due to the BON assuming I need a drug program...I can't afford the attorney to help me or the money you need for this program. I did not do what I'm accused of . The only thing I can do is surrender but will I get my license back if I do? And how does that work in other states you have a license In. Like to renew your license in the other state....please help!! I'm not sure what to do I have never even had a speeding ticket in my life.
I completely agree, I was at a new job who do paper charting in the er and was thrown to the wolves in like 2 weeks...I never worked the er before so by looking at documentation it looks as tho I took or didn't give to my do I fight that. She said the only way out is to surrender.mor gone to a TX program...I did a drug test because they would not I was clean...I don't know what to do...they gave me 5 days to decide...I feed my kids with my job...I have to quit my job until they do whatever and they contact my new job....I have will be fired for sure
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
Contact a lawyer through the American association of nurse attorneys (TAANA).
Thank you I will try 9m running put of time...I appreciate your time!!
175 Posts
Is your facility accusing you of diverting patient medications? If so, did the Manager even Have you submit a UDS? I don't know how you could lose a case and surrender your license without a positive drug screen. Of course, i dont have enough information on what happened. As the other poster said, obtaining legal counsel sounds like the best option for you right now. Good luck and keep us updated.
ED Nurse, RN
369 Posts
You can either find the money for a lawyer now, that will save your license, or you can not do anything, lose your job, and then have no way to support your kids. If you are innocent like you say, then you need find the money and get the lawyer- I don't understand your logic.
iluvivt, BSN, RN
2,774 Posts
You need a lawyer that is well versed in this area and fast. Your ability to earn an income is at stake and it is worth every penny you pay. This is why you need a credit card or take out loan or borrow from family or a friend,just get the money and ask to be seen right away.
If you did nothing wrong then you need to fight hard to save your licence. If you did do something wrong then you need a lawyer to lessen the impact on your career and life!
jadelpn, LPN, EMT-B
9 Articles; 4,800 Posts
Do you have a union OP? If so, go to them for advice. They even have legal representation.
If you don't have a union, legal aid is also a good reference.
Home | Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network
TAANA Executive Office - Western Pennsylvania
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
To those nurses without malpractice insurance.....this is a perfect example on why you need it.
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,204 Posts
If you have an accusation against your license in PA you will likely not be able to renew in another state. Most states have a questions asking if you have ever held a license in another state and if revoked or surrendered what the circumstances were. Then there is the whole OIG list. If PA reports you to this list you will be unable to gain employment in any facility that accepts Medicare/Medicaid.
May I ask what exactly or in general are you accused of. Diverting, working under the influence, huffing Whippits (Sorry I just had to ask) and what is the proof against you. If you were caught with a dirty UDS at work it's pretty much a done deal. If there is evidence of diverting same is true. This is one of those incidences where you are guilty until proven innocent.
Still I personally would not surrender something I worked so hard for. Take a fearless and searching look at yourself. Even if you are not guilty of what you are accused of do you have a drug/alchohol problem? You can shop around for treatment programs - go to ones that do not have in-patient treatment unless you need a medically supervised detox. Try to get into an intensive out-patient program and start attending meetings and get them signed off each time. The specific mandate is 90 meetings in 90 days (and no you are not allowed to do 10 meetings a day for 9 days) Stat reading the Big Book of AA (or NA, CA etc) and see how the message applies to your current situation. That way when you go in front of the board you will have something to tell them. In my case I had already completed and Intensive Outpatient program by the time I had my meeting with the monitoring committee and was chairing two meetings in my area so they counted that as my treatment pending any compliance issues. Did you work for a hospital that had a union and did you pay union dues? If so you are entitled to representation. This is of course why I always suggest nurses carry their own malpractice insurance.
If this is all just a huge mistake or a complete fabrication you should hire a personal injury attorney and go after your employer for slander just be sure you have an iron-clad case as attorneys are often reluctant to take these cases.
Also going forward - If you decide to defend yourself legally do not discuss this further here or on any social media. Edit any evidence of any kind from said social media including selfies of your self engaged in what might be considered questionable activity.
Those of us who have been through this process will tell you that you life as a nurse is not over but it has hit a huge pot hole.
Peace and Namaste