Suffolk County Community College 2017 Applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Starting the thread for those anxious applicants trying to get a read on this year's pool of candidates...

So who is willing to post what they've scored?

Here's mine:

A&P 1: A

A&P 2: B+

Eng 1: A

Eng 2: B+

Micro: ___

Psych: A

Stats: C- (blah!)

TEAS: 78

Not particularly found of the revision to the rubric.

So what are you holding???

Nevermind. Just saw last week. A lot of people got last week! I just have to be patient haha

Does anyone know what nursing classes I should register for in my first semester starting fall? I've finished all of the other required course work. Just not sure what nurses classes need to be taken first

Hi! I'm so late to this thread because I just found it now! I'm applying to the LPN program in september of this year! So nervous!

Hey guys is anyone planning to apply to the LPN program with Eastern Suffolk Boces in September? I know it's just passing the entrance exam but does anyone know if there is a limit on seats? Should I take the entrance exam soon this way all of the spots don't fill up or is there more than enough time? Help! I'm so nervous

I'm assuming anyone who hasn't heard has probably been waitlisted, and if thats the case then maybe they are waiting to see who makes a deposit by march 15th, and for those who did not, they'll lose their seat and someone else will take it? just my thoughts.

also for those who got accepted and sent in their deposit... how will we know that they got it? are they gonna send an email or a letter... idk ill probably call soon because i dont want to be kicked out of something i sent in a deposit for...

I was going to call also because I had the same thought. The only way I found out was that I saw in my bank account that my check was cashed.

Does anyone know what nursing classes I should register for in my first semester starting fall? I've finished all of the other required course work. Just not sure what nurses classes need to be taken first

You can find the course sequence on the nursing site -- it has the layout of all 4 semesters. I don't believe we can register until orientation or thereafter. According to previous years it looks like we have set dates for our registration.

Heard anything yet??

Has any one heard anything about the bsn bridge program to stony brook? Is it online?

Has any one heard anything about the bsn bridge program to stony brook? Is it online?

There are 2 information sessions at the end of this month. All the info regarding these sessions came with the acceptance letter packet. We don't know much about the program yet.

I STILL have not gotten a letter yet lol so can't speak for what the packet says or the nursing program specifically but I did do the transfer program from Suffolk to stony brook for a regular bachelors degree and it was seamless! As long as you are in good standing and holding a certain GPA it is an automatic acceptance and they have counselors come speak to you when you're close to making the transition. Hopefully the Bsn bridge is that simple.

hey is anyone applying to LPN to RN spring 2018 ???

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