excuse me while i rant.................. i work in a ltc facility with a few nurses who just drive me crazy with their documentation!!!! (we have electronic medical records) i remind them nicely that the nurses notes are part of the medical record and to please use some common sense when documentating. here are a few examples for your amusement:
1. pt complained she had stroke. tested by giving glass of water to see if patient could swallow. water swallowed. no more complaints.
2. pt c/o chest pain and says that day nurse couldn't decide if she had a heart attact. no signs of heart attact noted. (nurse actually spelled heart attack as 'heart attact')
3. pt were up in hallway when he fof. too cnas at side. no injuries.
4. foley cateter were in place at beginning at shift. found pipe on floor. dr informed.
***by the way, the "day nurse" that #2 was referring to was me! talk about ****** off! i confronted the nurse and reminded her the patient has dx of dementia, and even if she said that - why the he** would you put it in the record????? of course i didn't tell the patient that non-sense. anyway, it's really not funny..................but these were the main ones that came to mind when writing this post.
whatever happened to objective charting? assessments? "no injuries" is way to vague, how about: moves all extremities, has full rom, etc..
anybody got anymore to contribute????