Studying the LACharity book for pn exam...Ahh. :/


I am scheduled to take my nclex-pn exam in 16 DAYS. AH. I am on Chapter 13 on the Lacharity book and have 5 more chapters to complete with this book before i'm done, with this section anyway. OMG This book is extremely hard, but after I read the rationale, I feel like I am learning and that has to be good right? Anyone use this book and thought the same, that it's HARD?? I need encouragement!

I know the lab values: here are the ones i know---

BUN, creatinine, Na, K, calicum, magnesium, Blood Glucose, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, HGB, HCT, RBCs, Triglycerides, Amylase, Lipase, WBCs, Albumin, Ammonia, ALT, AST, pH, PaCO2, PaO2.

Are there any other ones I am missing????

I am planning on doing the Saunders book also.

I am just so overwhelmed!! I hope I can pass this big exam so I can move forward with a happy life!

Sounds like you are moving right along. Good luck.

You're not alone.;)

I too am using LaCharity as my last practice set of questions after going through Saunders and ExamCram. The structure of the questions really make you re-read(sometimes more than twice) just to make sure you're not missing anything.

The challenge is great especially when you gradually begin to notice improvements in how you approach a question.

i used lacharity as well as exam cram,and i passed after two attempts.You can do it.

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