Published Dec 24, 2007
50 Posts
i would like to seek advice because i heard that there is a program proven alternative for overseas nurse who cannot fulfill ONP or lack adaptation slots in UK. The Best route is STUDENT VISA program to study for national vocational qualification4 and to Study part-time and earn full-time while undergoing practical training. would you advice me to apply for this....thanks and God bless
2,860 Posts
Moved your thread here where it is more appropriate and would have more responses.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
If this is the course I am thinking it is not gaining nurse experience and costs you lots of money, Do you have a link so I can refresh my memory on the course.
Would also like to point out that general RN is not on the short occupation list therefore employers can not help you get work permit and many state this on their adverts. Also there are many nurses in the UK struggling to find jobs including newly qualified nurses, some are being laid off due to many hospitals suffering financial difficulties. For the UK employers have to employ from UK first then EU before anywhere else in the world
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
There are no visas for you to remain in the UK even if you complete a program like that. They essentially have a hiring freeze in place and that is why you are not seeing much about these programs anymore.
Usually from unscrupulous programs that are advertising on the basis that you do not know what is going on there and will pay them the money, but not be able to stay.
There is already much posted on the Philippine Forum here about what is going on in the UK now, suggest you do a search for it and have a good read before you invest anything.
19 Posts
here is an article which may interest you.
students are only allowed to work for 20 hours maximum per week with a salary of 6-7 pounds per hour. That is not enough to cover expenses like food, bedsit or rent if you house share plus school expenses for the NVQ course. it's not worth it. If you're an RN look for a job as an RN. just my 2 pence worth
And the most important part of this, even if you go thru the training, there is no visa that will be available for you to remain and work in the role of the RN in the UK. As mentioned above, they have a hiring freeze in place and have had one for sometime. Their own nurses are facing layoffs.
5 Posts
there has been a fuss lately about a program other than nvq for those who want to apply for student visa in the uk...
your units as an rn are credited.
i've attended one of their seminars recently and it really seems too good to be true. the only catch is the price php 500,000.00
bsc hons (health and social care) is said to compliment your nursing course.
you study bsc hons and are able to work for 40 hours without restrictions on overtime. it happens because your work becomes a requirement for your course. you work as a caregiver and not a nurse for the course of 2 years.
i'd like to ask for your advice regarding this. thanks
name of program edited as well as other name that was posted per the tos of this site.
You will be working as a care giver which is just giving basic care to residents. Why would someone want to go froma RN to a carer I don't know and you will not be able to work as a RN despite what you are told and if you do and not registered by the NMC and discovered you are open to deportation. This will not give you nursing experience and will not allow you to stay at the end of the 2 years. Many UK nurses are struggling to find work and many hospitals will not assist in obtaining a work permit if not from the EU as current requirements unless highly experienced in an area in the shortage list is employ from UK then EU before the rest of the world.
This is just my opinion but think it is just a way of obtaining money from you. There is no shortage in the UK of nurses or care assistants and have heard of many UK newly qualified nurses obtaining work as care assistants because they can not find work as a nurse.
A major caveat about this program and that is the fact that the UK government has a freeze on visas as well as licensure there thru the NMC.
Does not matter what training program that you do there, and it will not be in the role of the RN, but as a caregiver and that does not give you recent RN experience either, since it is essentially nothing more than maid work in most cases. And then the fact that they have graciously left out about you having to leave the country when that is completed, you will not be able to remain there and work in the role of the RN.
There are many there that are being laid off because of no jobs, so why in the world would they bring someone over from another country and give them a job there and take it away from a citizen there? That makes no sense at all, and to give all of that money to a program that will make no difference at all to the BSN that you already hold, is just plain idiotic.
There is much already on scam programs like this on the UK forums, suggest that you have a good read over there.
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
Hi,There has been a fuss lately about a program other than NVQ for those who want to apply for STUDENT VISA in the UK...Your units as an RN are credited.I've attended one of their seminars recently and it really seems too good to be true. The only catch is the price Php 500,000.00 BSc HONS (Health and Social Care) is said to compliment your Nursing study BSc Hons and are able to work for 40 hours without restrictions on overtime. It happens because your work becomes a requirement for your course. you work as a caregiver and not a nurse for the course of 2 years. I'd like to ask for your advice regarding this. thanks
There has been a fuss lately about a program other than NVQ for those who want to apply for STUDENT VISA in the UK...
Your units as an RN are credited.
I've attended one of their seminars recently and it really seems too good to be true. The only catch is the price Php 500,000.00
BSc HONS (Health and Social Care) is said to compliment your Nursing course.
you study BSc Hons and are able to work for 40 hours without restrictions on overtime. It happens because your work becomes a requirement for your course. you work as a caregiver and not a nurse for the course of 2 years.
I'd like to ask for your advice regarding this. thanks
Could I just add to what Suzanne and Silverdragon have already posted.
The qualification offered in this program is NOT a nursing degree.
The national vocational qualification is NOT a nursing qualification
Yes you may be able to study here and earn a pittance as a carer (nurses aid, health care support) but this will not give you any credits to register as a nurse with the NMC
You will NOT be allowed to practice nursing in the UK without registration with the NMC
You will NOT be allowed to practice nursing in the UK without a valid Visa - i.e. working visa
You will NOT get a working visa to practice as a nurse in the UK as UK hospitals are not hiring anyone who is not a UK or EU national.
If you want to do the study and get a student visa to earn the degree in health and social care because you feel it will help your nursing practice in your own country then so be it but don't be allowed to be fooled into thinking that it will in any way help you get a nursing job in the UK
I know all of this because I am an employer in the UK healthservice, I know what is allowed and what is not. I and every other NHS trust manager in the UK are not allowed to employ a nurse from outside the EU unless they can demotrate clearly that there is noone within the UK or EU with the specialist skills that are required for that job.
309 Posts
I would add my word of warning also. I have five overseas nurses on my ward and they are telling me that they think they may have to leave the UK after their 5 years visa expires. They have all been in the UK between 3 - 4 years and it is of such concern that a couple have applied to go and work in Australia
Fellow ward managers are telling me similar things - it seems a large number are now anticipating not being able to remain and so are making alternative plans.
56 Posts
Whatever the moderators have posted here are true and real. I understand that you want to come to the UK to work as a RN. We had not employed any overseas nurses for the last 3 years in my hospital.
It would be better for you to try other countries at the moment. I know many Pinoy nurses who were recruited at the beginning of year 2000 and many Indian nurses too were recruited at the sametime cos of the real shortage of RN. But now there is a freeze on hiring and many British student nurses have been recruited on my ward after completion of their studies. It is a shame that you had missed that opportunity to come to the UK.
Try Australia and Canada ...dont give up. Dont go through the agencies. Go to the internet and find out each state/province or hospital that are recruting RN. I assume that you have at least one to two years experience as a RN.
For the UK it wont take any foreign nurses at the moment and there are even cutting down on foreign doctors too. So wats the chance of them recruiting you...virutally NIL i would say.
P.S. I am not Pinoy but my girlfriend is Waray.