Student Growth Objectives

Specialties School


Okay, REALLY! As a nurse I have to do these things. Ummmm, yeah, how am I going to do these? Student Growth Objectives (SGO) are things that you want the students to do, kinda like care plans, but for teachers. We are supposed to gather our data then make up these SGOs. Any ideas? I mean I can't say something like "Students will have 75% less nose bleeds." Noses are going to bleed when you have dry air, and our school is really bad, or kids that have deformities. I ask our principal for help (HELLO! Nursing degree, not teaching) and she told me that's something that I have to work out. I've checked the internet, and Denver school systems had these examples about 100% correct meds and 100% immunizations, but I have this feeling that our principal is going to tell me I'm wrong. :cry: Anybody else have to do these and what have you done? Anybody have some websites that I can look at? These things seem like they're going to be worse than care plans!

Thankfully, I have never heard of such a thing!

Same here! I have enough paper work as it is already! As I'm sure you all do!!

Specializes in School Nurse.

Thank goodness I have no idea what this is.

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

The teachers at my school are doing them, but the school nurse liaison for my state currently says we don't have to do them (woot!).

Thank goodness I have no idea what this is. too! It's bad enough I have to do IHP's on students - care plans, written by the nurse for the nurse to follow - since I am the only one "allowed" to view them.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

we were just talking at lunch about how dumb it is that i even have to do them. I just keep recycling the same material.

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