Strange visit...will ask for 2 of us to go today

Specialties Home Health


Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

I went to do an admit yesterday. The neighborhood and house were not the best to say the least. I've met wonderful people in similar homes so I wasn't afraid. I tried calling several times with no answer so thought I'd go over. I knocked on the front door. A young man came out from the back of the house and said you'll have to come back my wife is asleep. I told him I wasn't there to see his wife but to see Mr.______. Ok, I'll check he said. Then he came back and said she's thinking about it. I stood there another 15 minutes and then left. I called the doctor to advise that the visit had been attempted. He said they were in the office yesterday and apparently they lied once again. He said he wanted me to try again today. He said the former agency pulled out when the last nurse called the police. (oh, great)

I asked him why, he said it was a "he said, she said" situation. He said call me back if you have any problems and I'm sure I'll be hearing from you.

We have team meeting this morning and I intend to tell my manager that if I'm expected to go back that someone will have to go with me. What do you think? Personally, I don't think we should go at all.

Specializes in med/surg.

Have to say I'd want back-up!

Specializes in Lie detection.

i'd want back up and also want to know from that dr. exactly what the police situation was.


[color=#483d8b]you have the right to know the prior situation. it could possible reflect on pt's care. especially as to how they behaved when you arrived.


[color=#483d8b]safety is a priority. the dr. needs to realize this, if he wants you guys in there, he'll cooperate.


[color=#483d8b]keep us updated!




I agree with everyone else - I'd want backup too. But, I'm more interested in knowing why the other agency had to call the police. And, I also wonder if there is an abuse situation going on. I would ask the doc about this too. Why does the patient need home health, is it really necessary? You've done the right things. You can't force people to let you in.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I totally agree.

I'd want to know why the police were involved before, and I'd want another person with me. Your safety has to be ensured before you can ensure the patient's.

Having been in nasty situations before, I would not go by myself to this one with the knowledge that you now have. The second person who goes with you should be the supervisor/Director of Clinical Services. Before the visit, a call should be placed to the previous agency requesting info on the previous incident and why they dropped the case. This is nothing more than common courtesy. They should be willing to talk to your DOCS candidly about the situation. Depending on what she is told, she can make the decision to drop the case. They have already refused one visit. Off the cuff, if the police were called, this is not a suitable case. And using "he said, she said" is always a poor excuse for placing blame in the wrong place. If the pt/family were such stellar humans, they would still be with the previous agency. Nobody turns away business without good reason.

I don't think you should go sounds like a scary situation.

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

I thought too the doctor should have told me, I thought you're asking me to go and I have the right to know.

As it turns out, I did not go. I called this morning to set up a time and was going to take a male RN with me. When I called and identified myself as the nurse from xxxx agency he promptly hung up on me. I told my manager, sorry I'm not going. That's two visits in a row refused. She agreed.

I called the doc but they closed early today. When I talk to him Monday I'm going to ask him with the situation is. I was wondering if the elderly man may be being abused/neglected. He's a 3 wks post-op hip fracture with CHF exacerbation. I feel sorry for him.

Interesting that you were not told of the problem the previous agency experianced. It should be the doctor's duty to report such issues and protect your safety.

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