Straight BSN at West Coast University

U.S.A. California


Just wanted to find out if anyone out there has applied to the new program at WC. I called them and their November, 2008 session is already booked. Next term starts in February, i'm curious to find out how the $$$ is going to affect them if at all. Was it easy to get financial aid and loans, especially how the economy is?? :typing

Hey a program I can start right away, wihtout an AA or a BS?!? Im going to click on that link and check it out.

Are they accreditted so I can go on to get my masters!??! At like Long Beach, Fullerton, CBU, Concordia!?!

They say on their website that you need a degree but that is confusing, you only need to have the equivalent of their nursing prerequisites and general ed type stuff, with or without a degree. But you have to have a minimum of CNA certificate or another healthcare type job. If you are lacking in say, English or speech (for example), you can enroll in any month you choose and do their "module type" courses while you wait for the next nursing cohort. They started a cohort this month, don't know when the next one is due to start. They are trying to have several cohorts start each year.

They are accredited. That is on their website. And they have a masters program too.


Has anyone tested out of English 340? I've tested out of Speech and Eng I, but I found the tests to be ridiculously difficult. I have never gotten anything less than an A in English, but barely passed the challenge exams. Just when I think I have studied everything, I get tested in Latin terms (Speech). If anyone can offer any help on what to study, I would really appreciate it! I have the exam this Thurday

hi newbetonursing,

did u enroll? i'm currently in the process and hope to start jan 31

Marie13 I just enrolled for their LVN to BSN program in Ontario and I start on January 31st, too.

Specializes in hospice :P.
Marie13 I just enrolled for their LVN to BSN program in Ontario and I start on January 31st, too.

OMG!! I just found out about the LVN to BSN program when I checked the site earlier! Since you're starting early next year, can you give me information that's not listed on the site (like the 34 month tuition cost in particular)?

Nope I backed away. Im going to get my Bs in Health Science, then go to another school and get either my masters or my second degree BSN which wont cost me as much. Your going to pay a lot. I wont lie to ya. The fees for that college have gone up a lot. I was told ot pay 124,000. Yes. I said it. That is what they wanted me to pay and I was going to start in October. But....why would I? I can save myself all that money and use it for a house haah or pay off my other loans. Be smart. You have LOTS AND LOTS of options

hello everyone:) Im a little confused about the BSN program at west coast university :confused::uhoh3:

Im reading all these post and some say that is 120k or 126k or 130k

anybody have a clue to how much it actually costs and was it really worth it

i finally decided to go to WCU. i start in jan....anyone else..???

I am currently a student at WCU Ontario and this will probably be deleted as have my other post, but hopefully it will help the few that get to see it.

When I started WCU I was so excited because I believed the hype, that they were an exceptional school with great instructors and a motto of quality education. Needless to say I have been in the BSN program for 20 months and all I can say is WOW!!!, this school (I say that loosely) is not about education, it is about the money, and the money is extraordinary, 132k to be exact. What do you get for that amount of money well lets break it down shall we,

1. power points, more than you will ever care to see again, because that is the extent on these 3-5 hour long sessions, a teacher who reads a power point word for word with rarely any interjection of actual teaching or life experience, just reading. And don't forget about the 5-7 10-20 minute breaks every 30-45 mins.

2. test that have are not content based at all, and no use finding out what you got wrong so you can maybe study up on that area, no, you have to schedule a meeting with the instructor to look at the test, but she will not go over the points with you just so you can see what you got wrong. In addition to that, don't try and challenge the test bank questions that are on the test, even if your book says the opposite because you will lose the fight. Unless, everyone in the class is scoring low, which a lot do, then conveniently questions start getting thrown out of the test to balance out the class average and make the test scores appear higher in the teachers favor.

3. Do you like learning, well then I hope you like doing so on your own, because you are paying 132k to basically home school yourself. If you get lucky and get a good instructor, hold on to that person because they are far and few between.

4. Financial Aid is a JOKE!!!!, all I can say is manage your account yourself do not rely on their information or you will find yourself screwed over every time.

5. How about attendance, well this is how it works, the instructor can have you sign the roster as if you attended a whole class session and they can have 2 hour meetings on your class time but if you are late or sick, you will get a nasty little reminder from the register that you can be dismissed from class if you miss 30% of class.

6. Like books, well then you will love to buy them but you will never use them, once again just power points so stock up on paper.

7. How about uniforms, did admissions tell you it was included along with books and ATI and Evolve, well think again, you will be paying for those items on top of the 132k tuition. IT IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE!!!!!

8. Like clinicals, did they tell you they had contracts with over 250 hospitals, that is a LIE!!!, you will only do 5clinical sites rotations, med surge 1, med surge 2 ,psyche, peds ,and med surge 3. funny thing though, you will not really get to do much 10 weeks and you go 1x a week, most students are told to bring their laptops and books to study because they sit in the cafeteria for 8-10 hours. You may get to pass meds twice but the rest of the time you are a diaper changer, tray passing glorified CNA. And if by chance your instructor is good you will maybe get to start an IV by the time you get to Med 3, maybe.

9. Cafe hours, those beautiful cafe hours, hours of wasted time is what it is, you drive all the way to the school to sit and look at each other but it is a filler course so don't be late and definitely don't miss it or you will be dropped. Even if you show up to sign the roster and then turn around and leave. Isn't learning fun.

10. Did you check out the BRN school pass rates, well Ontario is averagin 72% on there students who have taken the boards and thats of the people that actually passed, put it like this, 40 students start 29 take the boards 70% pass. Sounds great huh.

11. Did they tell you that their pass rate was in the high 90%, well check out your FASFA paperwork it is 57%

I could go on for days about this school, just hope that some of my information as a current student helps. Why do I stay you may ask, well I am indebted to completing as my credits do not transfer and I owe so much to Sallie Mae. It is my hope that if you are reading this and thinking about going to WCU that you do your homework, stop by and just talk to the students we will tell you the truth. Just ask if you can visit a nursing class before you commit so you can see it for your self. Is it the worst school in the world, well I don't know, the students are great, I have made a lot of great friends, would I have paid 132k for those relationships, NO!!! Just a little FYI

THANKYOU SOOO SOOO MUCH! it does help. This nursing website needs to learn The REAL turth about what the schools are REALLY like. It isnt all sugar canes and free bees. Thanks for your honesty. The financial aid for this school is where I STOPPED and said no thankyou. There complete nasty rude girls who sit on thier AIMS and talk about thier what a way to be a financial aid perosn. I swear I should have gotten that girl fired for talking to another employee while helping me out.

NEWS FLASH ONTARIO....GET YOUR FINANCIAL AID ADVISORS IN ORDER...because after I passed my exam...The Financial aid department was the one who scared me away from YOUR school...and I have plenty of money to spend on my education....but why spend it on you?

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