Stony Brook U Nursing Basic BSN Fall 2014 Applicants!

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone! I'm in the middle of my prerequisites for the nursing program at Stony to apply for admission next fall! Just wanted to reach out and say hey to anyone else in the same shoes! Where else are you all applying?

SBU is obviously my first choice, but I'm also applying to NYU, Adelphi, Molloy, I might apply to York and Lehman, and I might apply to LIU Brooklyn. I would apply to Hunter, but I don't want to transfer for the spring only to be waitlisted (or rejected!) for one of their 100 seats.

The link might be removed but it's also on the pre-nursing society's facebook page. Congrats to all that got in!

Oh I'm not a student at Stony Brook so I don't have an email to access the group.

Does anyone know when we're going to be informed as to orientation dates and all that?

I just emailed Karen Allard. She said that Jan Kavazanjian will be contacting us shortly with more info.

So did any if you guys received it through solar? Because that's where I am checking

Congratulations to everyone I just go my acceptance email as well!!! So excited to be seeing all of you! :)))

So did any if you guys received it through solar? Because that's where I am checking

You receive an email and it prompts you to log into Solar to accept or decline.

Congratulations to all who were accepted!! =) Did all of you receive an interview?? Or we any of you who were accepted not offered an interview? Just wondering where those of us who were not interviewed stand. Thank you!

Hey congrats, well see you at orientation! Just a quick question, do you know if any of our classes are online?

Im not sure :/ you can def ask that on the pre nursing Facebook group. Do you need the link?

congrats!! I can't find the group for some you have a link??

I just realized its because people who doesn't have their Facebook linked to sbu email can't see or join. So far I made it open so you should be able to find it but can't join :/ I'm trying to change the group to make it open for everyone but can't rn I'll fix it tonight!

The link might be removed but it's also on the pre-nursing society's facebook page. Congrats to all that got in!

Yeah I posted it! It's because your fb acct isn't linked to sbu email I'm gonna try to change the setting tonight!

Congratulations to all who were accepted!! =) Did all of you receive an interview?? Or we any of you who were accepted not offered an interview? Just wondering where those of us who were not interviewed stand. Thank you!

i was offered interview!

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