Published Feb 7, 2005
Jess-RN in 2006
47 Posts
does anyone have a pattern for one? or dimensions? my mom insists that she needs a pattern to make one, but it really cant be that hard, right? I figure just sew a long strip of material that is able to be slipped on the tubing? any help would be appreciated, thanks!
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
I've seen scrubs patterns, that also have a stethescope pattern included. The tube needs to be wide enough to fit over the bell, and if you want it to cover the Y of your connections you need to cut the material wide enough for that, plus the fold over flap, or space for a snap.
If your mom is making it for you, she might want to buy a pattern and make you some tops as well. I've sewn several of my own, and at less than $10 for cloth etc., it sure beats store prices.
RN 2005
237 Posts
I am so glad you asked this!! I have wanted to make my own and I cannot find a pattern anywhere......If anyone out there has the dimensions it sure would be appreciated
medicrnohio, RN
508 Posts
Do a search on allnurses. I remember seeing this topic before and I believe a pattern was included or a link to one.
Trvln Nurse, RN
72 Posts
I've had a cover on my stethoscope for years and love it. I found that I couldn't wear my stethoscope around my neck without something covering it because I found the plastic irritating. Consequently, I kept leaving it everywhere. Fear of loosing that spendy important piece of nursing equipment is what lead me to finding a cover. Someone else made basically has elastic around the base and a velcro cover at the top portion. I have seen some stretch material types found in nursing magazines....which I think would be better. All you really need is just one long open piece of stretchy material with each end obtaining an elastic the ear extensions of the stethoscope don't need to be covered...just the long plastic piece that hangs around your neck. I would recommend you have several and wash yours everytime you get home as well as clean your stethoscope with alcohol. Remember, you don't want to bring any of that invisible germs home to your family. Hey, and you could even color coordinate with your scrubs. Happy sewing.
LPN1974, LPN
879 Posts
I think I've seen these sthescope covers in a catalog I get.
Look at
and see if they have them. If your Mom can just look at the catalog picture she might be able to get an idea how to make it.
928 Posts
We couldn't wear them at the hospital that I worked. A decision our infection control nurse made. I am not sure where you might get a pattern unless you purchased one and then got the pattern from it.
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
Infection control is what stopped them being used at our hospital too. If you think about it, would you wear your scrubs without laundering them with each use? Weekly isnt enough if you think about your patients coughing, maybe laying it down on a bedside table occasionally. They are cute,and maybe even comfortable. You lay it down to wash your hands and what do you do but pick it up again and recontaminate your nicely washed hands. When you take your stethescope home, every kid that sees it wants to pick it up and listen too. Be safe and dont use them.