STEPS to take to work in the U.S.A.

World International


hi, Mark, a new member of this online community although been here many times before to look at articles that may be of help....

i'm a new graduate from a nursing school here in the Philippines, and had just recently took the board exams and passed. i'm currently in the process of acquiring my license from our licensing authority...and after which im gonna take the ielts this august....

here are my questions:

1. if im going to work in the u.s.a. what are the things needed to allow me to work there?

2. im planning to work in new i have to take cgfns exams? or take nclex directly in hongkong. after which, if i pass what would be my next step?

Is it to apply for the visa screen certificate? :o

3. from my research in the net, here's what ive gathered to be the steps to take in having to work there:

a. must be a licensed nurse in own country

b. must take nclex, and ielts (or similar) in N.Y.

c. if both passed, must apply for visa screen cert. by the cgfns org.

Are these all correct? If so, please correct my info.

And do suggest the correct steps to take...

Thanx, and more power to the no. 1 online community for nurses!!!

Where in California do you wish to work? What specialty or area of the hospital would you like to work in?

I have not decided yet a specific location or place or a special area in the hospital in California. what i am up to now is how can i work there in the fastest way. Its ok for me to work in any place there and hospital but it should be safe. I like working in OR but its ok other areas, want i want really now is to get a visa and work there. thanks for helping me.

Unfortunately, until you pass either CGFNS exam or the NCLEX, there is nothing that can be started on your behalf as far as immigration. Right now, I suggest that you focus your time on passing NCLEX.

There is no quick way until you get one of the exams done, and if someone telly you that there is, run as fast as you can from them. It won't be something truly legal.

i agree with you, suzanne.

my advise to you, jess, is that you stand in line.

gain actual clinical experience.

take the legal and usual route. any way around this would hurt

other applicants, especially those who have devoted themselves to the craft.

make yourself worthy of the green card.

as i always say around here, you are a nurse first, and being a prospective immigrant is just secondary to that fact.

attaining your california aspirations will be sweeter this way.

good luck.

yes i know... and i all also want everything to be legal cause it is just for my safety and to be fair with others. right now i am focusing on my nclex-rn exam. i am just hoping that there are other offers or ways to make my documents processed in a more faster way that it wont take 18-24 months. ofcourse after i passed my nclex. thanks for your help guys i really appreciate it...:) :balloons:

Right now, green cards are being processed in less than one year in most cases. This is for people that began the process over the past few months, not that begun the process in the past. But, I cannot guarantee how long that is will last. It is going to depend on which country that you are from, and how many visas will be available from your country when the 50,000 visas are used up. That is not to say that the government won't put another plan in place.

But no one knows right now. Just get things done as soon as you can. Nothing can be started on your behalf without passing either NCLEX-RN or the CGFNS exam.

Hi everyone!!! It's been awhile...

anyway, I have a question bout my application...

I already send all the necessary requirements to CABON...including from my school....that was two months ago...

my mom told me she recieved a letter (I used it as my home address) from the CABON that may application was invalid since it didn't include the social security number...That I should re-apply and send everything again.... :uhoh3:

I thought it was okay if you're a foreign graduate nurse....

What's your thoughts about this? ...

Probably, have to email CABON bout this (have to see the letter first) though I doubt if they will reply....

By the way, I recieved my IELTS results last week, I got a band score of 8!!! :rotfl:

I'm just so relieved....

All I have to do now is to prepare for NCLEX, if ever God willing, my papers would be fine....

They usually reply after 2-3 weeks. Wierd that they ask for your SSN. Did you use a US address for return mail and filled out your citizenship in your fingerprint cards. Give us some more info. so that people can help you out. Maybe its just a mistake altogether and a phone call would clear things up.:)

Specializes in LTC/Telemetry/MedSurg.
hi everyone!!! it's been awhile...

anyway, i have a question bout my application...

i already send all the necessary requirements to cabon...including from my school....that was two months ago...

my mom told me she recieved a letter (i used it as my home address) from the cabon that may application was invalid since it didn't include the social security number...that i should re-apply and send everything again.... :uhoh3:

i thought it was okay if you're a foreign graduate nurse....

what's your thoughts about this? ...

probably, have to email cabon bout this (have to see the letter first) though i doubt if they will reply....

i thought its ok to apply even if you dont have ssn yet?...or maybe you used an american address thats why they rejected your application?

i have not forwarded my applications yet but i do have my forms ready, ...

maybe we could ask the wifey of nurse dependent, she was an nclex passer already about her opinion on this matter...

i thought its ok to apply even if you dont have ssn yet?...or maybe you used an american address thats why they rejected your application?

i have not forwarded my applications yet but i do have my forms ready, ...

maybe we could ask the wifey of nurse dependent, she was an nclex passer already about her opinion on this matter...

yap. this is my hunch too. using a us add. and leaving blank your citizenship on the cards might have triggered this. remember the doj/fbi cards will reject the cards for incomplete info. :)

ok i will do my best to pass the nclex as soon as possible hopefully by january i can take it and and praying to make it... thanks a lot...

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