Published Dec 7, 2010
22 Posts
Just wondering, can an F tag trigger a resurvey? state surveyors had their exit and didnt mention anything about a resurvey. then we got the notice last week of the deficiencies and all that and we have one F and one of our clinical consultant suggested that we have to be ready for a resurvey. can someone clear this for me? I never encountered and F tag and this is the first one so i dont know if i need to be worried for a resurvey. response will be very much appreciated.
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
Yes, they will be back after your facility submits its plan of correction, fixes the deficiencies, and certifies compliance. I would imagine each state has its own rules for re-surveys; in my state (Oregon), the facility has ten business days to formulate the POC and submit it, then is expected to certify compliance within 90 days. Once that's done, you generally can expect a re-survey within 14 days.
The good news is, the survey team will usually review only those areas which were cited (the F-tags) and they're out of there in a day or so. Unless, of course, they find that the corrections haven't been made, in which case it's open season. I once worked in a nursing home that received several G's along with 17 F's, and when the surveyors returned, they discovered even more deficiencies which then opened the entire building up to scrutiny.
My, what a cluster-mug THAT I recall, it took two more visits before the facility was cleared for admissions. We were actually rather fortunate that they didn't close us down, however, we weren't permitted to admit any more residents until all the deficiencies had been corrected, so you can imagine how tense things were around there during those months.
Hope this helps!
33 Posts
that depends on which State you are in. In CA, F does not triggered a re-survey. only when you have a substandard care (G) triggers re-survey. if you would like to see the guidelines on re-survey, cms just release in october the new survey guidelines... i found it easy to look at the regulatory updates at if you want to download the guidelines.
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
In Massachusetts we don't often get resurveyed unless there is a G level tag or higher. Most of the time it's only a desk audit of the POC.
511 Posts
It depends. An F means the surveyors cited it as a widespread problem. If it was in the area of Quality of Care, Quality of Life, or Resident Behavior and Facility Practices, then it could have been Substandard Quality of Care. Did the surveyors cite your facility with Substandard? If so, then an extended survey should have been done and you will definately get a revisit. If it was an F with no substandard (such as the kitchen- almost always it is an F- widespread because the kitchen affects everyone) then it could be a desk review. Most surveys that have citations at level 2 pattern (E) or level 2 Isolated (D) are desk reviews after the facility submts an acceptable plan of correction. However, if a complaint comes in BEFORE the AOC (allegation of compliance) date, which is the date on the plan of correction (2567) that the facility says everything will be corrected (must be within 45 days of the date the survey team exits the facility) then it can and usually triggers a revisit as well. As a rule revisits are not done for D's or E's, but an F can trigger a revisit especially if it is in one of the areas that I mentioned. This does not mean that facilities will not get a revisit for any citations. That is purely at the discretion of the State Agency and CMS.
The facility usually has 10 days to submit the plan of correction. If there is a revisit, then the areas that were cited will be reviewed as well as the facilities plan of correction because the surveyors will be looking to see if you did what you said you were going to do and that you have credible evidence to back it up. If complaints come in during the time your facility is "open" (during the 45 days till your AOC date) then it messes things up really bad...Not only will they revisit your citations, but also anything in the complaint can open up other areas for investigation and they can go back past the AOC date for that investigation. Some facilities who have trouble with complaints coming in onthem usually don't wait the 45 days to set their AOC. They set it sooner in order to avoid that "open cycle."
thanks for all the reply. i appreciate it. anyway we got an F for some sanitization issue at our kitchen. hopefully we'll not going to have a resurvey. for now we're still on the survey mode. stressssssssssing
Lots of times an "F" in the kitchen won't give you a revisit...but it could...We usually don't go back for that if the POC is good. But that is my state. Other states may be different.
thanks deb. btw, im from southern cali
78 Posts
Is there a place to discuss cites and POC?
Here seems to be as good a place as any.
Or IM me. I'm one of those odd balls who likes to do POCs
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
Here seems to be as good a place as any.Or IM me. I'm one of those odd balls who likes to do POCs
Hey that's good to know. I just might have to IM you too after I get thru my first survey as a DON (although I have helped with POC's the past couple of years).
To the you mean an F tag as in "Federal tag" or do you mean the scope and severity was a level F. Something about the way the OP is wording the question makes me wonder if she really means scope and severity versus not understanding that all tags are F tags, meaning federal tag # (Well most tags anyways, as I have seen a few state tags thru the years too).
17 Posts
I am writing from illinois. I am assuming you are talking scope/severity being a F. In that case, as resurvey would depend on if it was substandard quality of care (ie the deficiency written under on of the care tags like 225, 323, etc). We, as a general rule, only do revisits on level three deficiencies (G or above). The only time a level two deficiency (D, E, F) requires a revisit is if it is at a F at SQOC. know what they are going to be looking at when the come in, so just make sure it is corrected!! In our state, as long as a complaint is not done with the revisit, all they are looking at is the tag that was originally written. Hope that helps