State boards!!! (nclex-pn)


  1. Did you get alot of Multiple Response

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      A Few!

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So Im preparing for state boards, and some of my classmates have went and they've been sharing info...and its worrying me even more.

I was wondering what was the saying...when they said if you get alot of questions on the same thing it's because you got them wrong in the beginning or is it the opposite????

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

Regarding the multiple you mean the SATA questions?

I'm not sure about the NCLEX-PN, but I know in my NCLEX-RN review course they stated that the more SATA's you get, the better. They are higher-level thinking questions and if you get a lot, it means you're doing well on the exam. If you get a hard question but answer it incorrectly, the test will spit out an easier question so that you can get back on track.

Good luck with your NCLEX!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Here are two articles that may help you understand computer adaptive testing from staff member TheCommuter:

How the NCLEX works, Part 1:

How the NCLEX works, Part 2:

There are many "theories" out there as to how the NCLEX is scored, what the passing line is, whether the more questions you get the better you are doing and whether many SATA (select all that apply) questions indicate that you did well (not exactly a fact any longer as there are 'easy' SATA and 'hard' SATA). In computer adaptive testing, if you get a lot of questions on the same material it is an indicator that your responses have not sufficiently indicated whether or not you meet the minimum competencies as an entry level nurse so more questions are needed.

I feel that what Just Beachy Nurse said is correct about the computer asking another question on the same subject if you answer wrong.

I feel like the more SATA you get, the better you are doing on your test. I think literally half my test was SATA and I passed with the minimum amount of questions.

case to case basis I think,I got 170 q.wd only 23 satas...the rest were exhibit,pharma,ob,drop and drag,ecg,and lots of priority q.and im getting the good pop up evrytime I do the trick..hoping and praying i pass once I get the official result..

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