Starting the RN program next month have any suggestions to start studying


Anything would help, thanks

Email your instructor if you know and ask them for a copy of the syllabus. Start reading the chapters scheduled.

Study Latin terms for things like po, prn, ac, pc, and the like makes it easier I think in terms of remembering what they mean when you see something unfamiliar when you are looking at drs. Notes in clinical cause some of them use them as a short hand and the nurses follow suite and you are left scratching your head in trying to understand in the beginning of clinicals...even though once you see them enough you will get use to them....but now that I am working as MED tech...I see a lot of Latin med terminology and I am thankful that I took the time to learn the Latin terms which helps to understand the shorthand drs. orders for med administration for my pt.

I would say common lab values, electrolytes, CBC... Message me your email address and I'll send you a list of what we had to memorize. Best of luck to you!

I agree with green34, definitely read ahead. It's very easy to get caught up and behind. Try your best to read the chapters ahead of time before the lecture, that way the material will really sink in. Best of luck!!!

I start on August 19th and have been wondering the same thing as OP. Could you send me the list as well please? Thanks [email protected]

Specializes in Hospice.

I just saw a post on here where someone summarized her first week and she said they had a test on nine chapters! I am going to start reading my fundamentals book today! EEEK!

I disagree, I would not start reading ahead. I know you are excited, but just take this time and relax. Read as many non-school books, watch bad TV, hangout with friends/family whatever works for you. Free time will be few and far between when school starts. Enjoy the rest of your summer

Good luck!

i would also like those lab values and such too please. I start RN school Aug. 21, 2013. I would greatly appreciate it. [email protected]

nothing don't study, just have fun and say good bye to your family/friends. Hmm you can research what your study style is, see if your an Auditory, Tactile, Visual learner. Besides that nothing can really prepare you for it.

@green34, that might be a bad idea, instructors are human too, they know we many be excited as students to study ahead of time. But they need their vacation time.:D

I'd start getting up to speed on the basics of pharmacology as soon as possible.

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