Published Jul 30, 2012
141 Posts
Hi all,
I'm starting the RN-BSN program on August 1st and I can't be more excited. I've already started working on some of my classes since the objectives have been revealed to me.
I did have one question for the WGU vets -- I was told I had to take a biochem class. I hate science and would do anything to not have to take this class. I submitted an appeal back when my transcripts were read because I did take Intro to Chemistry I and II when I was in my ADN program. The reviewer said I still had to take biochem, however at the end of her email rejecting my appeal she wrote: "Please be advised that we will only accept courses in the Chemistry department for this requirement". I'm so confused because I've read that others have fulfilled their biochem requirement with Intro to Chem classes at their other schools, and her comment kind of leads me to believe that. I did email her tonight since I start the program so soon.
Anyone here able to lose the biochem thanks to a regular chemistry class???
2 Posts
""i was told i had to take a biochem class. i hate science and would do anything to not have to take this class. i submitted an appeal back when my transcripts were read because i did take intro to chemistry i and ii when i was in my adn program.""
lol what...
what do you mean you hate science? you're a nurse...
university senior level biochemistry isn't really that bad... just memorize and undertand (but memorize more)... how exactly would an intro to biochemistry course be equivalent to fulfilling a biochem pre-req...? i wonder what your patients would say if you said you hated science and got out of taking biochemistry by only needing chemistry. yikes!
61 Posts
At my school you could fulfill biochem by taking intro chem and intro organic chem instead of the biochem class. Look into this.
Ok, saying I "hate" science was probably the wrong term. More like I strongly dislike science. Probably a good reason why I became a nurse instead of a scientist. Just because I generally don't like science courses doesn't mean I can't do them and do them well. I'm just doing what I believe most students would do, looking at the bottom line and trying to save a bit of time and essentially money.
As far as what my patients might think about me not taking biochemistry, I'm guessing it isn't the worst thing in the world since I've been able to effectively function as an ADN without the course for the past 9 years.
I did hear back from the transcription analyst, and apparently their standards changed about 8 months ago where they no longer accept Intro to Chem classes to fulfill the Biochem requirement. So I plan to strongly dislike my way through my biochem class and do well just keeping my eye on the BSN.
583 Posts
I doubt that any patient would even ask if you had bio chem, most patients in the hospital are acutely ill and most likely the first priority is for them to know what is wrong with them.
55 Posts
I am in the same situation, I have had Organic II and I still have to take Biochemistry!!. I am struggling through it and it is just an intro course. My summer has been nothing but studying biochemistry everyday and night afterwork. The course is intense but you will survive it. Good Luck to you!!
Thank you, and good luck to you as well! I am certain we will both survive and be biochem experts...ok, not expert...but passing works! Lol.
148 Posts
I just started the biochem course today..I'm intimidated by the tasks for sure but I'm going to pace myself and do the courses of study as I go..hopefully it won't be too bad!
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
Just take it one task at a time. It was challenging, but many of us got through this class (every one of us who had to) and you will too!
Well biochem was definitely challenging, but I'm pleased to say my last task was approved yesterday and I'm officially onto my next course! I learned a lot in the biochem module and I LOVED the Thinkwell lectures! I almost felt like they were made just for, engaging and most of all...none over 15 minutes long so my attention didn't wander!
Thanks to all for your votes of confidence. I've finished my first WGU class! Awesome!
Now on to math...................
RN_SummerSeas, MSN, APRN, NP
184 Posts
""i was told i had to take a biochem class. i hate science and would do anything to not have to take this class. i submitted an appeal back when my transcripts were read because i did take intro to chemistry i and ii when i was in my adn program.""lol what...what do you mean you hate science? you're a senior level biochemistry isn't really that bad... just memorize and undertand (but memorize more)... how exactly would an intro to biochemistry course be equivalent to fulfilling a biochem pre-req...? i wonder what your patients would say if you said you hated science and got out of taking biochemistry by only needing chemistry. yikes!
Really? That's pretty harsh IMO, the objectives for WGU's biochem are ALL fulfilled in any decent A&P I & II course as it is almost ALL bio w/barely any chem. stupidest course ever-any RN should have learned all that & more in A&P!
FWIW, I learned a TON in the Biochem course, it went very in depth into certain topics that were just touched upon in A&P.
The ax you have to grind against WGU is really getting old...